Comments on Gary Fox's stuff

Gary Fox's avatar
The song that led the way. I came up with the guitar sound first, and needed a song that evoked the pure energy that was coming from that guitar sound. It needed to be fast and intense. And it needed harmonies. We're full abandon 'cause it's time…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Now if that doesn't make you want to jump up and down, nothing will!!! Awesome!!!

Gary Fox's avatar
The song that led the way. I came up with the guitar sound first, and needed a song that evoked the pure energy that was coming from that guitar sound. It needed to be fast and intense. And it needed harmonies. We're full abandon 'cause it's time…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Gotta jam this one again. Probably one mo' time after that :) crank it up!

Gary Fox's avatar
The song that led the way. I came up with the guitar sound first, and needed a song that evoked the pure energy that was coming from that guitar sound. It needed to be fast and intense. And it needed harmonies. We're full abandon 'cause it's time…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

That's raw and full of piss and vinegar energy. Like CBGB's energy. ..and the crowd goes absolutely berserk.

Gary Fox's avatar
It is easy to mock and ridicule, but much harder to learn and understand. Overcoming our own pig-headedness may be our biggest personal challenge. This song thinks about that. I also was rather happy with how my Telecaster sounds in the rhythm…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Rock it! Great song. Love the message!

Gary Fox's avatar
It is easy to mock and ridicule, but much harder to learn and understand. Overcoming our own pig-headedness may be our biggest personal challenge. This song thinks about that. I also was rather happy with how my Telecaster sounds in the rhythm…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

My feet are tapping! Nice tone on that guitar, and interesting message.

Gary Fox's avatar
This one went through many iterations before turning into what you hear. A key breakthrough came when I stumbled upon that keyboard part for the verses. That opened the whole thing up.
Guest said

Awesome disco touch. I like how you used the clavinet in this song

Gary Fox's avatar
There is no reverb on any vox parts in this one. I loved how I was able to get the tone of the voices to have that mid-60s sound. This was aided by the fact I am running through an emulation of the Abbey Road mixing desk. ;)
Guest said

Great pure vocals

Gary Fox's avatar
No offense meant to my English friends. ;) I grew up there as a kid, so we have common cause. Anyway, this song is more about the struggle between the material and spiritual, doing the right thing when you are called upon, etc. Hope you enjoy!
Guest said

You grew up there - that explains why your music often has a British touch :-) Great song!

Gary Fox's avatar
As you may have picked up on, there's a lot this year about soldiering on when your world has been destroyed. So, this is a song of hope. Have faith, have faith...
Guest said

Wonderful melody and harmonies

Gary Fox's avatar
This one was a hard one to nail. The Wurlitzer riff was something I accidentally played and fell in love with immediately, so I needed to write a song that enhanced the mood that the tone of the Wurly evoked. The sound is so empty and spacious…
Guest said

Love howw the song develops. Must have been a challenge to have the Wurlitzer not ruin the stereo correlation of the mix :-)

Gary Fox's avatar
Defiance, self-doubt, hubris, failure, choosing...It's all here to hear. The title is a nod to my love of a certain guitar player and singer from a late 60's act; who's solo records were even better. The vibrato guitar is inspired by him…
Guest said

sent you my guess in PM :-)

Gary Fox's avatar
When your world is destroyed as you know it, the ability to overcome and renew yourself is a very steep ascent. It may take years, and this song is about that struggle to 'let it go'
Guest said

Great arrangement, I dig the brass especially

Gary Fox's avatar
It is easy to mock and ridicule, but much harder to learn and understand. Overcoming our own pig-headedness may be our biggest personal challenge. This song thinks about that. I also was rather happy with how my Telecaster sounds in the rhythm…
Guest said

Interesting theme, great song

Gary Fox's avatar
The song that led the way. I came up with the guitar sound first, and needed a song that evoked the pure energy that was coming from that guitar sound. It needed to be fast and intense. And it needed harmonies. We're full abandon 'cause it's time…
Guest said

Awesome song, and really full of energy

Gary Fox's avatar
The song that led the way. I came up with the guitar sound first, and needed a song that evoked the pure energy that was coming from that guitar sound. It needed to be fast and intense. And it needed harmonies. We're full abandon 'cause it's time…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Top Track mate really like this

Gary Fox's avatar
When your world is destroyed as you know it, the ability to overcome and renew yourself is a very steep ascent. It may take years, and this song is about that struggle to 'let it go'
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Oooh....great stuff!!!

Gary Fox's avatar
This one went through many iterations before turning into what you hear. A key breakthrough came when I stumbled upon that keyboard part for the verses. That opened the whole thing up.
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Again, love the percussion! Great work, Gary! w;-)

Gary Fox's avatar
There is no reverb on any vox parts in this one. I loved how I was able to get the tone of the voices to have that mid-60s sound. This was aided by the fact I am running through an emulation of the Abbey Road mixing desk. ;)
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Ok - you've got me dancing again! w;-)

Gary Fox's avatar
No offense meant to my English friends. ;) I grew up there as a kid, so we have common cause. Anyway, this song is more about the struggle between the material and spiritual, doing the right thing when you are called upon, etc. Hope you enjoy!
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

The end of this track is absolutely fabulous! w;-)

Gary Fox's avatar
As you may have picked up on, there's a lot this year about soldiering on when your world has been destroyed. So, this is a song of hope. Have faith, have faith...
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

A lovely ballad with a lovely message. w;-)
