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Bury Em Deep (Pirate Song)


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Here now, there be treasure to hide and we’ll bury it full deep in the earth, and ye with it if you tell the tale. To the shovels lads, and dig down.

International Talk Like A Pirate day is upon us, so swab yer decks and break open the Rum, and the devil take the merchantmen down to Forty Fathoms, Aaarh!

Guest said

Love the guitar! Very cool!

Guest said

Great stuff, love the chorus especially, it fits really well.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

One more Aaaarrrhhh! Would seem appropriate - Now where's me rum?

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Aaarhh now there ye have it, by the Beast's Barnacles, and your day will go swimmingly, so it will. Breakout the RUM! And the coffee!!

Guest said

Ooh, it be a daaark pirate anthem, aaarhhh! Now I want rum in my coffee.

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