Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff

James Michael Taylor's avatar
SLEEPY HEAD Little Sleepy Head Why do you fight so hard Close your tired eyes now...
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Yousra Fouani Beautiful.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
LOVE C Em 1. Love won't bring back a coat that's lent F stepping up G#` Love won't straighten out a spoke that's bent…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"Sweet." Deborah Andruscavage

James Michael Taylor's avatar
LOVE C Em 1. Love won't bring back a coat that's lent F stepping up G#` Love won't straighten out a spoke that's bent…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"Insightful and beautiful." Rosemarie Kempton

James Michael Taylor's avatar
FIREFLIES. capo @ 2 F walk down We (C) spoke of them as (C/B) sweethearts There (Am) in the Southern (F) sky (C) Saturn, just a (G) twinkle, bold (F) Jupiter near (G) by I (Am) guess we didn't (Am/G) notice as they (Am/F)drifted a…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Short but very sweet. I love these short ones with the almost throw-away lyrics that are SO full of meaning to the listener.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
My buddy Lu Mitchell went the way of a song yesterday... Sad. MISSING LU I will miss you, now that you’re gone I will miss you, as I carry on I held your hand up a step or two Now I will miss you. I will miss you There are those who…
Guest said


James Michael Taylor's avatar
GONE - My sequester song... Chain wrapped around the dog park gate Weeds growing on the school yard lawn Where has everybody gone The chairs are stacked And the stage is dusty And my strings are getting rusty... (C) Royal T Music
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Perfect!!!!!! This captures our collective experience completely!!!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
GONE - My sequester song... Chain wrapped around the dog park gate Weeds growing on the school yard lawn Where has everybody gone The chairs are stacked And the stage is dusty And my strings are getting rusty... (C) Royal T Music
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Great imagery! Who would have thought a year ago that we would have a summer like this?

James Michael Taylor's avatar
GONE - My sequester song... Chain wrapped around the dog park gate Weeds growing on the school yard lawn Where has everybody gone The chairs are stacked And the stage is dusty And my strings are getting rusty... (C) Royal T Music
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Mrs R has pointed out that she knows of at least two other Londons... and that it might not be obvious I mean London UK!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
GONE - My sequester song... Chain wrapped around the dog park gate Weeds growing on the school yard lawn Where has everybody gone The chairs are stacked And the stage is dusty And my strings are getting rusty... (C) Royal T Music
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Like it. Love this: "stage is dusty / my strings are getting rusty". We had to look up corn hole, though, doesn't get played a lot in South London...

James Michael Taylor's avatar
SLEEPY HEAD Little Sleepy Head Why do you fight so hard Close your tired eyes now...
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

i think it's time for a knap

James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE TIDE POOLS OF CALIFORNIA capo @ 5 in C When you’re born in California There are things you take for granted The sunshine and the desert and The forests, and bears and the beach In the tide pools of California In the memories of…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I agree with Guest ( - "you're not done with this one" - I think there's another version, somewhere between the original and this one. It's a gorgeous song.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
BEAVERS AND WILLOWS Capo @ 5 in C C) Like beavers and willows (G Bats and mosquitos F) Toad C) frogs and G) flies (C Algae and oil spills Shovels and coal hills Black holes and light (C) 2020 Royal T Music
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

And a new verse! I listened to all three versions again - this is the one (which is probably a good thing, as it's the latest!!)

James Michael Taylor's avatar
BEAVERS AND WILLOWS Capo @ 5 in C C) Like beavers and willows (G Bats and mosquitos F) Toad C) frogs and G) flies (C Algae and oil spills Shovels and coal hills Black holes and light (C) 2020 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Guest ( said Thursday I love that you don't hold back and anything goes. I never know what's going to jump out of that brain of yours! Love the arrangement, the harmonies and nature! Fun and short. I think I could have gone a little longer, but I'll just play it, awgain or put it on a loop if it will let me!! Write on!!! Thanks for the share!! Connie

James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE TIDE POOLS OF CALIFORNIA capo @ 5 in C When you’re born in California There are things you take for granted The sunshine and the desert and The forests, and bears and the beach In the tide pools of California In the memories of…
Guest said

You're not done with this one. I love the chorus. Did you just write this one?

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Capo @ 3 in C I said, "Okay, okay. I'll wear 'em one more time and I'll throw them away." I can only take so many knocks When my children make fun of my socks. I said, "Okay, okay. I'll wear them one more time and I'll throw them away…
Guest said

Happy sad....good song...might go around singing this one. Thanks!!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
JUNK This week's prompt is "DIRTY LAUNDRY" Key C I got a call from Russell He had to move his Junk He'd filled his car He'd filled his trunk Big black bags of Something I said, "What's with these?" He said…
Guest said


James Michael Taylor's avatar
SLEEPY HEAD Little Sleepy Head Why do you fight so hard Close your tired eyes now...
Guest said

You know that sound we all do when we've had a big day and worked/played really hard? Ahhhhhhhmmmm...that one...That's how I felt listening to this song. Thanks, James for continuing down the rabbit hole. So many places to ;)

James Michael Taylor's avatar
SLEEPY HEAD Little Sleepy Head Why do you fight so hard Close your tired eyes now...
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said


James Michael Taylor's avatar
BEAVERS AND WILLOWS Capo @ 5 in C C) Like beavers and willows (G Bats and mosquitos F) Toad C) frogs and G) flies (C Algae and oil spills Shovels and coal hills Black holes and light (C) 2020 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Andrew Russe ( said Thursday Short but very sweet... These short ones encourage me to add all sorts of extra meaning myself as I'm listening. That's kinda what happens when we listen to songs anyway - no matter how much the lyrics are designed to lead us to certain conclusions or "points of view"... a song never really says what the songwriter thinks it says ... but these short ones encourage this "listener completes the song" process even more, they let my mind run free ... love it.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
BEAVERS AND WILLOWS Like beavers and willows Bats and mosquitos Toad frogs and flies Like algae and oil spills Shovels and coal hills Black holes and light (C) 2020 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Guest ( said Thursday I love that you don't hold back and anything goes. I never know what's going to jump out of that brain of yours! Love the arrangement, the harmonies and nature! Fun and short. I think I could have gone a little longer, but I'll just play it, awgain or put it on a loop if it will let me!! Write on!!! Thanks for the share!!
