Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff

James Michael Taylor's avatar
WILD BILL Key C C Bass F# Am Bass G Bass F Bass C The moon shone like diamonds on mirrors in puddles shaped like horse’s feet Dm Dm - Dm…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Very Pretty story telling. I've been to Deadwood. What a place to spend eternity.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
WILD BILL Key C C Bass F# Am Bass G Bass F Bass C The moon shone like diamonds on mirrors in puddles shaped like horse’s feet Dm Dm - Dm…
Norm's avatar
Norm said


James Michael Taylor's avatar
Sometimes it might be best not to even think about what terrible things might happen. It might be part of setting those very terrible things in motion. How can one know?
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Another very clever one!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
WILD BILL Key C C Bass F# Am Bass G Bass F Bass C The moon shone like diamonds on mirrors in puddles shaped like horse’s feet Dm Dm - Dm…
Guest said

This one is one of my favourites of your tracks. The chorus is especially poignant.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
HAPPY Happy is the anvil as the hammer strikes the blade A fleeting spark that fades out as the memory is made Happy is the spark when the hammer strikes the steel Before the spit has sizzled into a vapor trail And happy is the planner…
Guest said

I love this! The music is really driving!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
I learned a chord my teacher told me was called THE GYPSY CHORD. So I wrote a song using nothing but that chord. Initially I had a girl named ....... in it but she didn't like that so I changed her name to, what was it, Emily.
Guest said

You performed this so well. A very interesting story, perfectly done. Good luck, "Emily". Yeah, nice chord!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
After reading the book: The Immortal Life of Henryetta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Google HeLa cells and you'll get the whole story. The most famous cell line EVER. RUN HeLa RUN Her name was Henryetta Lacks but she never knew Her family finally…
Guest said

I love the way you have made this true story into a song. Straight to the point lyrics with tremendous backing vocals. It's a very strong and determined sounding track.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
After reading the book: The Immortal Life of Henryetta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Google HeLa cells and you'll get the whole story. The most famous cell line EVER. RUN HeLa RUN Her name was Henryetta Lacks but she never knew Her family finally…
Guest said

Oh JM, it is very loud! Come on, don't be like that, you can think of something.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
HAPPY Happy is the anvil as the hammer strikes the blade A fleeting spark that fades out as the memory is made Happy is the spark when the hammer strikes the steel Before the spit has sizzled into a vapor trail And happy is the planner…
Guest said

Wow, JM! Grrreat harmonies, and a master class in lyrics.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
HAPPY Happy is the anvil as the hammer strikes the blade A fleeting spark that fades out as the memory is made Happy is the spark when the hammer strikes the steel Before the spit has sizzled into a vapor trail And happy is the planner…
Guest said

nice job... its a snapshot in a snapshot.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield. I said to myself, "Sweet Rain." I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
G-no's avatar
G-no said

So in 1951 you lived in the desert just around the corner from where I grew up , except I wasn't there until 1953 at the ripe and smelly age of 1.I think I was considering buying a house out in the same patch of desert you grew up in. Your Dad might of known a Bob Dollins, he worked at Northrop for a short while . What year did you depart?

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Ever read the book of JOB. I read it the first week I was in prison. It made all the difference.
G-no's avatar
G-no said

These songs with the choir are cool. Are these friends , sounds like you got a regular choir doing back up

James Michael Taylor's avatar
In 1951 I was eight years old but it's all like yesterday. The tumbleweeds and the horny toads. Flying kites so far into the desert air that I couldn't see them. Palmdale, California, 1951 Pretty yellow chickens hating in the sun Fertilizer…
G-no's avatar
G-no said

Small world indeed. In 1953 I was 1 and we lived on the base. In old pics the housing were those Quansot Huts. Hell, if you lived out there at 8 years no wonder you got that dreamy like recollection. It be like living on the Moon, had barren can it get, and the bright sun beating down cooking that desert, sonic booms rattleing windows. I know, I don't know when they stop doing it but I remember as far back as 1964 of our classrooms windows rattling and that 's in Palmdale. They test artilliary as well out at EAB. Fortunately I was only 1 year old back then and i was shielded from the sun by my moma's breast and taken out there before I could develope a memory.Funny thing in early '54 my folks moved just off the south end of 15th. I still live close to it. There is no hope for Peace on Earth as long as militaries stand armed and ready.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
WILD BILL Key C C Bass F# Am Bass G Bass F Bass C The moon shone like diamonds on mirrors in puddles shaped like horse’s feet Dm Dm - Dm…
G-no's avatar
G-no said

You captured the mood! Good integration of song voice and guitar. It was warm & tender despite the hard cold reality the song spoke of. Imaginitive lyrics that mixed well with the sweet simplicity of the music.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
In 1951 I was eight years old but it's all like yesterday. The tumbleweeds and the horny toads. Flying kites so far into the desert air that I couldn't see them. Palmdale, California, 1951 Pretty yellow chickens hating in the sun Fertilizer…
G-no's avatar
G-no said

Another Palmdale resident. The horny toads you don't see to much anymore but he tumbleweeds and the wind are still here so kite flying is still around. Hey ,you forgot the rattlesnakes. I don't remember it being so dreamy though. Your song is different and somewhat interesting but I wouldn't vote for it to be the official Palmdale song. I arrived in Palmdale in 1953, maybe that's what it is.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
This comes from a Steppenwolf song from back when. It has always been one of the most powerful statements of protest for me.
Guest said

Nice percussion. Strong message!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
The Cindy I mention in this song is Cindy Sheehan. This was before out trip to Crawford. The rest is pretty self-explained. HEROS No, I ain't no hero, I'm just trying to survive Me and Cindy, just staying alive. Got a hurt in our heart and…
Guest said

Most excellent lyrics! I admire those who will stand up and be counted! Great song!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
The Cindy I mention in this song is Cindy Sheehan. This was before out trip to Crawford. The rest is pretty self-explained. HEROS No, I ain't no hero, I'm just trying to survive Me and Cindy, just staying alive. Got a hurt in our heart and…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

LOL as they say

James Michael Taylor's avatar
In 1951 I was eight years old but it's all like yesterday. The tumbleweeds and the horny toads. Flying kites so far into the desert air that I couldn't see them. Palmdale, California, 1951 Pretty yellow chickens hating in the sun Fertilizer…
Guest said

Wistful though not wishful. The drum is very effective. Doubling the tempo for the spoken parts - excellent!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Amazing we are able to survive with so little knowledge. Amazing we are so sure of ourselves. Or are we just acting? Hoping not to be exposed?
Guest said

Your speaking voice is really believable. I like that! Sounds great! A most clever song JM Who's your friend?
