Growing up is hard.
For everyone.
I once had a Facebook Friend named Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick. A poet, from Midland, Texas, doing advanced studies at Sarah Lawrence. She was so good she could write a hundred pages about how she couldn…
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, "Sweet Rain."
I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
can you still get a copy of the recording of sweet rain by texas water? I did not see it on the soundtrack for vanishing? Please let me know-email me at
Something just broke and I think it's my heart
It wasn't an arrow. It wasn't a dart
It mighta been a meter that tore it apart
But, something just broke and I think it's my heart
A bedside bomb with no alarm…
We were shooting this movie one day when they needed a song for a dance scene. I said, "I wrote a song that might fit here." The director agreed and I ended up getting to write all the music for that movie, RED DESERT PENITENTIARY. directed by…
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, "Sweet Rain."
I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
Something just broke and I think it's my heart
It wasn't an arrow. It wasn't a dart
It mighta been a meter that tore it apart
But, something just broke and I think it's my heart
A bedside bomb with no alarm…
...after reading John Steinbeck's IN DUBIOUS BATTLE and watching the John Ford movie of GRAPES OF WRATH. The opening and closing statements are quotes from the Preacher in the movie.
A friend said he wanted to do a video of this track. I…
Thanks Regs for making my crappy music in to great songs.
Sunday morning and she’s gone
Sunday morning all day long
She’s gone
Now she’s gone I don’t feel a thing
I’m so happy i’m free again
She’s gone
She thought…
Not really Irish ... a Scottish ballad ...
An earthly nourris sits and sings
And aye she sings, "Ba lilly wean
(and) no ken I, my bairns father
Far less the land that he dwells in."
And up come he to her bed fit
A grumly guest I'm sure…
I named one of my daughters Silky. This is a beautiful version of the song. I'm sitting here playing along on my guitar. Capo at 3rd fret in G positions.
Domestic violence is a societal evil needing our vigilence to irradicate. It goes beyond bullying. There are so many mixed feelings within the emotional turmoil of the victim/abused. Perhaps this song will open a window of understanding. To the…
This track was made for collaborative purposes. Looking for a slow build of layers. If you hear anything that you would like to add...feel free to do so, and send it back to me...or post it and let me know that you did. TANKS!
In memory of my cousin Mike, nicknamed Shovel Head, because of the Harley Davidson Shovel Head motorcycle he drove.
I can feel the wind blow
Lean into that winding road
Setting Sun against my skin
Shift into that high gear
Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff
Just beautiful!!
can you still get a copy of the recording of sweet rain by texas water? I did not see it on the soundtrack for vanishing? Please let me know-email me at
Love it!
Your lyrics are wonderful. This is so poignant.
Another cracking song - love your voice!
Beautiful song.
Just don't break the vocal chords. Love it.
Awright yawl! JMT is here!
Comments made by James Michael Taylor
Snowflakes...this sounds like musical snowflakes falling on piano keys...
Cool...such a gentle jibe.
This is a very evocative trac. I'd love to see some video or stills synced with this as a video.
Captures the craziness induced by being dumped. Been there. Am there.
I named one of my daughters Silky. This is a beautiful version of the song. I'm sitting here playing along on my guitar. Capo at 3rd fret in G positions.
Beautiful. So evocative.
Pensive. Haunting.
Nice song. Good clean guitar. Like the keyboard. Easy vocal.
Cool song.
Nice pickin'. Cool song
So beautiful.
Has me singing along.
Really has that Woody feeling.
"When you get to a certain age"...don't I know that's true!
Makes me want to dance...and I can't dance. Real country swing feel. Love the steel guitar. Makes me think about taking steel guitar lessons.
Nice groove. Any rider can dig it from the first groan of that scooter.
Welcome to Alonetone. jmt