Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff

James Michael Taylor's avatar
CATTAILS AND BUTTERFLIES capo @ 4 in C C G repeat There was a field around the corner And a stream flowed cross the field There were cat tails in the summer time And monarch butterflies And tadpoles sprouting wings E…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

A little gem - Nuno

James Michael Taylor's avatar
JOHNNY BROKE AN AXLE 110220 I got revved up on blueberry donut holes and cranked this one out... Johnny broke an axle Broke it like a pencil Oh, no. We need an ambulance at turn three. Johnny broke an axle Broke it like a pencil…
Guest said

Death metal introšŸ’€ -DP

James Michael Taylor's avatar
A friend asked me, "Don't you have any happy songs?" So I wrote one! IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY capo @ 3 C F C If it makes you happy I will tie your shoe C…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Certainly does ....

James Michael Taylor's avatar
CATTAILS AND BUTTERFLIES capo @ 4 in C C G repeat There was a field around the corner And a stream flowed cross the field There were cat tails in the summer time And monarch butterflies And tadpoles sprouting wings E…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

that was fun!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
JOHNNY BROKE AN AXLE 110220 I got revved up on blueberry donut holes and cranked this one out... Johnny broke an axle Broke it like a pencil Oh, no. We need an ambulance at turn three. Johnny broke an axle Broke it like a pencil…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Those must be some pretty crazy donut holes!!!! I wonder if the blueberry pancakes I just ate will have the same effect!?

James Michael Taylor's avatar
CATTAILS AND BUTTERFLIES capo @ 4 in C C G repeat There was a field around the corner And a stream flowed cross the field There were cat tails in the summer time And monarch butterflies And tadpoles sprouting wings E…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said


James Michael Taylor's avatar
A friend asked me, "Don't you have any happy songs?" So I wrote one! IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY capo @ 3 C F C If it makes you happy I will tie your shoe C…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Best music to start my morning ever!!!!! This totally makes me happy!!!! Thanks

James Michael Taylor's avatar
A friend asked me, "Don't you have any happy songs?" So I wrote one! IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY capo @ 3 C F C If it makes you happy I will tie your shoe C…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This made me happy!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
CROOKED - 052310 There is an outfit that hires Latinos to push these little wheeled boxes (some are actually tricycles they ride) cooled with dry ice and filled with all flavors of popsicles that they sell for 50 cents. At some point it became…
Guest said

Great song, James Michael -Bruce

James Michael Taylor's avatar
There was an album by a Los Angeles singer/songwriter named Judee Sill that came into KINK-FM back in 1971. MISSING JUDY You say that Bach wrote all the good songs…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yes. Like it. Short... but extremely wide.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
But the Sun I close the curtains To shut out the darkness I shut the window To keep out the cold But the Sun is shining Somewhere, I know. (C) 2020 Royal T Music
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yep, I love it too.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
WHEN WE GET TO COLORADO Capo @ 5 in C positions C G Thirty one years in this city Thirty one yers on this street Fighting in the morning Fighting at night This place has the smell of defeat…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oooo this is gorgeous. Captures those "but the grass is greener..." and "everything will be better when X day arrives, you'll see" things that we all feel from time to time.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
JUNK This week's prompt is "DIRTY LAUNDRY" Key C I got a call from Russell He had to move his Junk He'd filled his car He'd filled his trunk Big black bags of Something I said, "What's with these?" He said…
Guest said

i have heard this one and i really enjoyed this comes from a Jim Dwyer work?

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Itā€™s a small town. Woodlake, California. East side of the San Joaquin Valley. 14 miles from where all those ā€œLindseyā€ olives you see on your grocery store shelves come from. The Woodlake Echo, says, ā€œIn the foothills of the Sequoiasā€. FOOTHILLS…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Connie Pittman Ramsey Connie;s HAiku james michael taylor speaks with true heartbreaking songs this time he is free

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Itā€™s a small town. Woodlake, California. East side of the San Joaquin Valley. 14 miles from where all those ā€œLindseyā€ olives you see on your grocery store shelves come from. The Woodlake Echo, says, ā€œIn the foothills of the Sequoiasā€. FOOTHILLS…
Guest said

James, thank you SOOOO much for this song! This one fits your voice so well and I feel I got to go there with you. This is a keeper! Thank you...there may be a haiku soon ;) Can I post this with my haiku if I do and of course make sure you are credited...the inspiration will be there...also love that rift that was so unusual...wasn't expecting it, but really layered the song!!! Thanks!!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
EVER ONE I NEED TO TALK TO Everyone I need to talk to tonight is gone Some have gone to heaven. Some have gone to hell Ever one I want to talk to tonight is gone
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Iā€™ve had one of those nights

James Michael Taylor's avatar
WHEN WE GET TO COLORADO Capo @ 5 in C positions C G Thirty one years in this city Thirty one yers on this street Fighting in the morning Fighting at night This place has the smell of defeat…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

But, whey they got to Colorado they divorced and both are happier now... So, I guess Colorado WAS the remedy.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
SKINNY GIRLS Capo @ 3 in G ...and then he said, I like skinny girls Toothy girls Flat chested girls I like girls with Adam's apples A mouth full of titty And a hand full of ass... A girl with a six pack is my kind of... And then…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I wondered if that was the case :) ... mine's still with me, though she claims she's on the way... and every now and then she goes "but you like skinny girls" and I go "not since I met you!" :)

James Michael Taylor's avatar
SKINNY GIRLS Capo @ 3 in G ...and then he said, I like skinny girls Toothy girls Flat chested girls I like girls with Adam's apples A mouth full of titty And a hand full of ass... A girl with a six pack is my kind of... And then…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Hehehehe... This was me when I was in my 20s! Tastes change, though.... You learn you probably do need something to grab on to... Like you did with your Mum or Gran... Otherwise you end up falling over in the street and stuff like that...

James Michael Taylor's avatar
TOO MUCH I've heard too much. I've seen too much. Don't ask me any questions because I know too much. I've read too much. I've written too much. Consider the lilies of the field. I know exactly how they feel My mom told me to be like…
Guest said

Pretty Much Sums It. Great Song James!
