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It hit me…I know so many sides of so many arguments it’s all become useless.

With Jeff Prince…

I’ve heard too much. I’ve seen too much
Don’t ask me any questions because
I know too much
I’ve read too much. I’ve written too much

Consider the lilys of the field
I know exactly how they feel
But my mom told me to be like the ant
Not like the sluggard, the grasshopper
But the grasshopper is like the lily

Oh, what good is what I know

We spend too much. We hurry too much
We save too much. We worry too much

“When I was fourteen I knew everything
was blessed by the bounty of a strait-A brain.” Jeff’s line.
You couldn’t fool me and I wouldn’t fool you
Now I know so much I don’t know what to do

I’ve found too much. I’ve lost too much
Don’t ask me any questions because
I know too much
I hurt too much. I cry too much

I eat too much. I sleep too much
Don’t ask me any questions because
I know too much
I’ve given too much and I’ve taken too much.

© 2014 Royal T Music
Lines in “…” written and sung by Jeff Prince…

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

We've all heard too much and seen too much ... too much of many things. Theo Carracino haha ... i love that ending.

Guest said

That takes my breath away. I can't wait to hear the music you put with the words. My feeling about the book ? I know, I hope it makes me a Breyer person in some way.

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Neil Young would have been proud to write this one, but it's 100% JMT.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh wow... 3 tracks that hit the nail right on the head for me.
