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Graduation Donkey

Letter Seventeen

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The (mostly) true story of my friend DAVe and his quest to finish college.

You laid down the challenge
You said you want to hear a song about a donkey again
Well, I’m here to tell you
I have a little story about my friend
He put himself through college
Working all day and in class all night
And when he finally finished
He found himself filled with delight (by)

A graduation donkey
Magna cum laude on a burro’s back
A graduation donkey
Getting out of school, not looking back
(He has) A graduation donkey
A cap and gown pose on a burro’s back
A graduation donkey
A jenny for the future, now that’s a fact

So began his bright future
Doors were flying open everywhere he went
It seemed as if this donkey
Was really something special, he was heaven-sent
Our friend was like a wonder boy
Success was in his path everywhere he turned
And we was oh so happy
He’d put in the effort in order to earn

A graduation donkey
Magna cum laude on a burro’s back
A graduation donkey
Getting out of school, not looking back
(He has) A graduation donkey
A cap and gown pose on a burro’s back
A graduation donkey
A jenny for the future, now that’s a fact

And I’m sure by now
You all want to know where this story heads
He didn’t count on the braying
A sound loud enough to wake the dead
Annoying all the neighbors
Non-stop noise every night and day
He finally had to admit
His favorite fuzzy friend just couldn’t stay

Just when it seemed darkest
When our hero would lose his one true friend
The neighbors came together
To do what they knew was best for him
They told him “you keep the donkey”
We’ll find a way to deal with all the noise
But you and your donkey
Are setting a new standard for our girls and boys

You and your graduation donkey
Magna cum laude on a burro’s back
A graduation donkey
Got him out of school, no turning back
A graduation donkey
A cap and gown pose on a burro’s back
A graduation donkey
A jenny for the future, now that’s a fact

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

That is such a cracking chorus!

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

cymbals in beginning made me jump. cool mix.

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