Comments on MemphisMaiden's stuff

MemphisMaiden's avatar
I decided to pick a few chords at random, just like that, wrote them down and then somehow tried to make a melody with it, no idea how, but it worked :-) I then added some lyrics et voilà's the result. A quick "just for fun" project. I…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Hi Colleen ! Thank you for your nice comment. yes, I agree, a bit retro-like, I had not thought of it, until you pointed it out :-)

MemphisMaiden's avatar
I decided to pick a few chords at random, just like that, wrote them down and then somehow tried to make a melody with it, no idea how, but it worked :-) I then added some lyrics et voilà's the result. A quick "just for fun" project. I…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you Greg, it was actually a lot of fun to do :-)

MemphisMaiden's avatar
I decided to pick a few chords at random, just like that, wrote them down and then somehow tried to make a melody with it, no idea how, but it worked :-) I then added some lyrics et voilà's the result. A quick "just for fun" project. I…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Cool vibe on this one! Feels retro

MemphisMaiden's avatar
I decided to pick a few chords at random, just like that, wrote them down and then somehow tried to make a melody with it, no idea how, but it worked :-) I then added some lyrics et voilà's the result. A quick "just for fun" project. I…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Excellent . . . especially for a "just for fun" project.

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you Johnny ! I'm teaching myself how to mix, am starting to get the hang of it a little :-)

MemphisMaiden's avatar
I spent a good three hours quickly putting this rough raw testing track together from scratch, here the very first trial take, just to see what it could be like. I'm still not sure what rhytm to go for, I'm sure by the time I finish it, it'll…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you kindly for your visit Wildgeas

MemphisMaiden's avatar
An acoustic short song I just made up, I kept it very basic by only using my little Höhner guitar with nylon strings of which I recorded two layers. I hope you will enjoy my song ! Warm regards from Anna.
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you Wildgeas ;-)

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

This is cool great mix

MemphisMaiden's avatar
I spent a good three hours quickly putting this rough raw testing track together from scratch, here the very first trial take, just to see what it could be like. I'm still not sure what rhytm to go for, I'm sure by the time I finish it, it'll…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Nice tune.

MemphisMaiden's avatar
An acoustic short song I just made up, I kept it very basic by only using my little Höhner guitar with nylon strings of which I recorded two layers. I hope you will enjoy my song ! Warm regards from Anna.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you Andrew !

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

:-) Like it.

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Pass it on, a little song I made up, here the first trial mix :-) Kind regards, Anna
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thx Proods ! Nah, I don't mind, you can say what you like :-) Thx for listening and commenting ;-)

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Pass it on, a little song I made up, here the first trial mix :-) Kind regards, Anna
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Great 80's vibe...if you don't mind me saying!

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Donne-moi un signe que tout va bien Give me a sign that all is well Donne-moi un signe car je n'entends rien Give me a sign because I hear nothing Donne-moi un signe que tout va bien Give me a sign that all is well Dis quelque chose, n'importe quoi Say something, anything Dis de belles choses, mais qu'à moi Say nice things, but only to me Dis de belles choses et je réponds à toi Say nice things and I will respond to you Mais tu ne me dis rien et ça me fait peur But you do say nothing to me and it scares me Que quelque chose t’est arrivé, ça me fait mal au cœur That something has happened to you, that hurts my heart

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Hi James M T, thanks again for listening ! Yes, I'm feeling lots more "bouncy" now, ok, it took a while, but it's deffo better than having only 2 years left to live. I will put the lyrics on with the English translation, so you know what I'm on about :-)

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you Greg, Pleased to hear you don't speak french, not sure how good mine is lol but i wanted to give it a go. Don't let your imagination run too wild, it might get you into trouble hahaha I will put the lyrics on soon including the translation, beware, you might be disappointed......

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you kindly Colleen ! It's been a tough year and I need another year to get back to "normal" life, but I can sing again and play around with music, that's worth waking up for !

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Very bouncy. Especially like the harmonies. Hoping that is how you are feeling now. Tell us what you are saying.

MemphisMaiden's avatar
Another one of my musical creations, the first one after my open heart surgery, I finally am getting more strength to sing again :-) So I decided it was high time to have a go in writing a little french number. I hope you enjoy it. Kind regards, Anna
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Great song! Lots of energy. I don't speak French, so I can only imagine what the whispering is about ... And I have a vivid imagination!
