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Sixes and Sevens


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A little study using Dmin6 and Dmin7 with a little D dorian dressing.

The cover art in the mp3 is by thomwisdom:

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

nice. I like this a whole bunch.

glu's avatar
glu said

damn. alonetone needs a song looping function. I'd keep this on all night!

These Metal Days's avatar
These Metal Days said


Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Nice chord study. Like the pace and atmosphere.

childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

Dreamy and beautiful. Very enjoyable. Adding this to mix Alonetone playlist.

Guest said

Love this!

Guest said

Another one that made me come running over...wonderful, MMI, a rip yer heart out beauty.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

What a wonderful feeling this evokes! Lovely!

Guest said

good work..hard chords to get on the guitar..

Guest said

Oh, this is delicately gorgeous!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

When you do this kind of track it evokes a feeling of travelling without moving. It reminds me of being a passenger in a car on a motorway at night, slightly tired and letting the world glide, carelessly, past me. I've always liked that feeling.

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Very nice, subtle, wonderful atmosphere. . Makes me want to get out the guitar and looper.

glu's avatar
glu said

Damn.. it makes me want to throw this book across the room and hook up the studio proper.

glu's avatar
glu said

super lush. It just keeps getting better.

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