Movement To Contact's listening history

coelocanth's avatar
Looping various apps.
coelocanth's avatar
Looping various apps.
coelocanth's avatar
Looping various apps.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Old Paint Ver.II Continued from Old Paint Version I............ So, I plugged in the cat eater, hit distort and it took on a whole new feel. I added bass(finger is tore up now), more drums, and low level fuzzed up leads. The ghost…
bethanyreivich's avatar
Original from Thai nothern folk artist name "Jarun Manopetch" about how to be a lady.
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
the title implies a life altering experience. the song is bare of all effects. my friend actually did cut some of his fingers off recently. he just bought a motorcycle. life changing events. crouching by the side of the interstate, changing…
Clean Vikings's avatar
Not the best... a few bad skips but made this for a friend.....
Clean Vikings's avatar
Just a thing I did cause I was bored... its not anything really
Clean Vikings's avatar
The vocals are hard tohear cause it was recorded badly... I feel like getting drunk I dont feel its gonna get better I've tied my hands to my back and its done Nobodys in the mood for summer I think the ghosts have come home Done it before…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through you tube videos and was shocked at what he saw......... THE PLAGUE OF METH (Lyrics) She seems twisted in her agony her pain is visible its destroyed her tormented…