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Old Paint II (RPM)

Wildgeas Music

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Old Paint Ver.II

Continued from Old Paint Version I…………

So, I plugged in the cat eater, hit distort and it took on a whole new feel.
I added bass(finger is tore up now), more drums, and low level fuzzed up leads.

The ghost was still counting for me. I used that
count in to start the bass leads. Stupid ghost was off time. But, it sounds pretty cool. I’m doing this bass line over because it’s just to repetitious. nothin’ fancy.

This baby kicks in 3 times with a 4 piece bar band so be forwarned. 1st one is around 0:14.


BTW, Old Paint is a horse from an old Playboy mag comic. No, it wasn’t mine.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This Rocks Hard! Love it! Almost a greek vibe on it.... But Pure Bad Ass!

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Wow, this is one of my all-time favorites of all your stuff I've ever heard, and that's really saying something! Songs like this (which might never have been created otherwise) are just one of the many reasons I love RPM...

Guest said

This is one of my favorites. I like the gypsy feel to it. Were you playing gypsy scales? You mix it up great. As for the playboy mag not being yours...uh huh. suuuuure. :) Saying it wasn't yours doesn't hide the fact you had to look at it to know who old paint was. are probably one of those who just likes the articles and comics. ;) hehe

yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

I like both versions, but this is definitely my fave.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate dig the sounds very cool.

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Very catchy tune Geas, neat track!

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

I am feeling all weird from this, kinda dizzy, when I look at my hand I see trip, thanks.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HAHA! Great fun and the horse at the end is perfect!

Guest said

Great fun track, love the middle-eastern influence.

launched's avatar
launched said

I'm listening to these backwards, but I'm a backwards kind of guy...

Guest said

very nice old paint. sounds like the soundtrack to the ugly Deliverance kid having a bad dream.

Guest said

diggin the guitars in this.

Guest said


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