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Gene Eric Mann's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gene Eric Mann


Happily ever after ( a tale of caution.)

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This a primer melody for this lyric, so feel free to tweak it ( for the collaboration four)<<..lyrics>>>.The transmission started slipping on the way home from work today…Man I sure could stand a little raise in pay. no talking about saving for a rainy day. lately this ol rain just plain won’t go away. just you and me sitting, waiting for happily ever after. The stock market’s up.! then it falls right back down. my family ain’t had stock since we lost the farm .just out here surviving by the strength in my arm.don’t wish noboby trouble don’t want nobodys harm// waiting for happily ever after. < < there was a place one time ,I heard of in a nursery rhyme. where they all live happily ever after.> The rich sure do get richer but the poor they just get poor. sometimes I really wonder if we can take it any more. With their money behind money homes on every coastal shore,(and who ever steals the fastest gets the most).we know the score.. And we sitting here waiting for happily ever after. I suppose I’d join a union if they hadn’t killed them off .And I can’t afford no doctor, ah it’s just a pesky cough. when I get to feeling better I’ll take on a extra job.and keep waiting for happily ever after.<<<-> If I die and go to heaven , wonder will they still have rich folk there. will thy still steal from us workers will they still cause our despair. don’t you kind of wonder if there’s anyone who’s the struggle it’s the trouble and a lot of prayers..if we ever find our happily ever after.< <<< > ’


Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This is GREAT Terry!

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Now That is Folk Music!

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I love this! I wish I had heard it before we put the other version up. I completely missed it until now.

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said


Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

This is a fine recording as it is, clean and clear, well played and sung. I like it a lot. If Greg, Steve and I do a version of this, don't take down this one. Great job!
