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Gene Eric Mann's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gene Eric Mann


Ur 2Phat

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If she’d just been honest about it online, b4 they met in person, he could have been cool with it… based on a story related to me by a friend, and hopefully it will be taken in the fun spirit in which it is intended and no one is too offended.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

an absolute classic!!

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

<<< Love it >>>

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

You know you say you're not a singer -- and I've heard ya, and I'm not arguing with you :P ;) -- but, really, you did a really great job on this one -- it's your key!

Guest said

Hehe! great song!

Rock Lobster's avatar
Rock Lobster said

I've debated on whether to do a proper recording of this or not. It seems to have a profound effect one way or the other on everyone i have shared it with So far. Thanks for taking the time to listen through. "They don't call it bodybook and there's a reason for that" :)

Guest said

I don't reckon I'll ever forget this lol Dustin

Rock Lobster's avatar
Rock Lobster said

They don't call it Bodybook -- there's a reason for that.
