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Gene Eric Mann's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gene Eric Mann



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Poor old Reg just can’t seem to stop his old ways and leave them behind….i’m not sure he even tries you know…………
Lost Lyrics)
The days go by
sometimes i’m high
sometimes i’m lost
sometimes i fly
most days i’m lost
the time ticks round the clock
it ry to find my way but i tell you i’m lost
Why wont time stop
let me catch up with you lot
who are running in the lead
i need i plead

sitting watching the TV news
feeling blue, feeling used
what, am i going to do
what should i do
should i get high
should i try
to fly
away from my loss
sweet misery
come back to me
sweet misery comeback to me
i miss you, when your not there
when i don’t feel your despair
i feel lost when i smile
I feel lost when i smile
when i smile

i’ve had misery so long its been my friend
i cant bring myself to say goodbye
i need to keep her with me day and night
my sweet misery
don’t leave me
i’d be lost
i’m lost without you
to guide me
through this hell everyone calls life
i’m lost

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Extra cool Trev great mixing mate

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

good song, Reg, I like the strings, it sounds like they're cut off at the tail end, giving em a strange choppy feel.

FDR's avatar
FDR said


Guest said

when i smile i feel lost...yep this song just illustrated that.

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

This is one truly groovy arrangement of sounds. I dig the lyrics, the vocals, the music, and the mix-down. Too cool!

JR James's avatar
JR James said

I like the unrest of the strings. Like impending doom. Another good one!
