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Gene Eric Mann's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gene Eric Mann


Soliloquy (2112:VI)

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My cover of part 6 of 2112 by RUSH.

Guest said

You got the touch. You & gene both.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Cool guitar

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

I am with you,

Guest said

Eyes they have, but they see not, ears they have, but they do not hear, a mouth they have, but they can not speak...And those worshiping them will become just like them. You did justice to this piece Rick.

Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

The sleep is still in my eyes The dream is still in my head I heave a sigh and sadly smile And lie a while in bed I wish that it might come to pass Not fade like all my dreams Just think of what my life might be In a world like I have seen I don`t think I can carry on Carry on this cold and empty life My spirits are low in the depths of despair My lifeblood spills over

Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

"...I have not left this cave for days now, it has become my last refuge in my total despair. I have only the music of the waterfall to comfort me now. I can no longer live under the control of the Federation, but there is no other place to go. My last hope is that with my death I may pass into the world of my dream, and know peace at last."

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

2112 part VI: Soliloquy The protagonist returns to the cave and broods for "days". He imagines "what my life might be in a world like I have seen", and now considers life under the Federation "cold and empty", with his spirits "low in the depths of despair". He resolves that, in order to "pass into the world of my dream, and know peace at last", he must take his own life— his narrative ending as "my life blood spills over." One of the most famous soliloquies in literature is Hamlet's where he contemplates suicide, saying "To sleep, perchance to dream". The title of the song movement indicates a similar struggle where the protagonist chooses the liberation of spirit "that with my death I may pass into the world of my dreams, and know peace at last".

Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

My psychedelic folk version of the 6th movement of the 2112 suite by the extraordinary Canadian progressive metal power trio called RUSH.
