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Gene Eric Mann's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Gene Eric Mann



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The morning after JP Morgan Chase Bank donated $4.7 million to the NYCPD, police began terrorizing the OWS protesters, beginning with Officer Antonio Bologna macing an innocent woman. This song is about that event:


Liberty Park, the people came to occupy
Tired of the bankers, politicians they would buy
Near the sacred steer, a peaceful girl was walking by
Officer Bologna shot his mace into her eye
Tony Bologna, are you gonna tell her why?
Tony Bologna… you’re full of it!

Four million bucks, the money paid for this disgrace
Signing the check was banker JP Morgan Chase
That kind of cash can buy a lot of cans of mace
Tony Bologna, he will be aiming for your face
Tony Bologna, won’t you join the human race?
Tony Bologna… you’re full of it!

Officer Bologna you may get a chance to meet
For his evil action, Tony’s getting aching feet
Ten days vacation, Tony has to work the street
Better wear a gas mask if you’re gonna cross his beat
Tony Bologna, are you gonna face the heat?
Tony Bologna…you’re full of it!
