Nachei's listening history
No black no white
No dark no light
No big no small
You want it all
You go so far, you leave behind
The things you like, you’ll miss them all
On moving sands, you don’t sink
You fly so high, we’re you gonna land?
Everything, everything that…
This is a special request by Sister.
It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :)
I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell.
It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch,
strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
samples pulled from turntablelab's weekly email + the Sequential Circuits Drumtraks pushed through a Korg guitar pedal + the MPD + me on some drums + some vinyl
This is a recording of me performing with Boom Bits at Spike Hill in Williamsburg on 11-21-11. We play every third Wednesday at Shrine in Harlem.
My friend John Rigney sang this song with my nephew Alexis. 'Keli' is an Australian Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal word for dog.