Comments on Paul Lisney's stuff

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer about St. Anthony of Padua by St. Bonaventure. Anthony is my middle name, named after this great saint.
Guest said

Beautiful - Thank you for sharing!!!

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

I have been trying to find a way to help and being a "releaser" gives me motivation to strengthen my own life while helping others. I hope I prove worthy enough to help the souls in purgatory through my prayers. Please pray for my father, mother, and sister who have all passed. Pray that they make the transition from Purgatory to heaven.

Paul Lisney's avatar
This is a newly recorded version of a song I originally wrote and recorded in 2005 which can be heard o nthe playlist/album Songs Of The Heart. I re-did this for my son, Aidan's wedding as it seems really appriate for a wedding song.
Guest said

What a pretty song for a wedding! Thank you

Paul Lisney's avatar
This is the Ave Maria prayer - the Hail Mary in Latin. The guitar is in a full E tuning with the Capo on the 5th fret. I recorded the voice and guitar together. This is the first recording of it so I may do it again to get the best performance.
Guest said

Think you have a very distinctive voice. God bless your career.

Paul Lisney's avatar
This is the true story of a poor Teddy Bear who lies out on my lawn year round - winter, summer, spring and fall, in rain, snow or shine. Dead-y Bear Dead-y Bear Why are you lying there? Does no one love you, Dead-y Bear? Dead…
Guest said

Sweet and sad at the same time.

Paul Lisney's avatar
Matt Talbot On the corner Matt Talbot stood waiting, waiting With his pockets empty and thirst raging, raging Hoping for a friend to pass by And invite him inside O’Meara’s for drink or two It was Dublin, Ireland, 1884…
Guest said

Thank you for the song, is stunning. Exactly shows the spirit of life and holines of Matt Talbot. Thank you. Jolla

Paul Lisney's avatar
This song is also on The Call Of God CD. The mix is a little different, but the same performance. JUDAS He walked with the Lord as one of the twelve And Jesus loved him as much as the rest He ate and he drank and he talked…
Guest said

Love this song

Paul Lisney's avatar
This song started shortly before Christmas (2015) and I recorded it in January of 2016. This is a basic demo of it. OUR KING IS COMING Leaves are falling Fall is leaving Winter snow will soon be here Christmas coming People rushing…
Guest said

Sounds great, Paul! Merry Christmas to you and yours! The Dynamic Catholic Team

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

To Guest ( Thank you for your kind words. I will certainly pray for your son and mother. You can reach me by email at if you'd like a Cd of the song

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said


Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

Your song was incredible, you are such a gifted and blessed artist. I have always loved The St. Gertrude Prayer and you have made it come alive. Thank you for making my day. Please pray for my son who passed away 4/7/16 and my mother on 7/18/17. Thank you again, I am a new fan!

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

To Guest (76,230,60,205) I will pray for all your intentions. Don't despair, Our Lord is kind and merciful and has already atoned for your sins and mine! Rejoice and be glad! He will see that your loved ones and all those your sins affected will have the grace to come to Him. Be at peace! Paul

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

please pray for me. I am mortified by my life/sins. God have mercy!

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

please pray for my dad (step) who passed away one year ago. Also for my son and his father. For my mother. For my grandchildren and deceased family. Thank you.

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

I am guilty of the terrible sin of pride. I have sewn to the wind and reaped a whirlwind. My God have mercy! Jesus, mercy!

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

please pray for my son who was born out of wedlock and suffered MUCH from being fatherless, like me. Please pray for his conversion/healing. Many addictions and pain from me being so selfish!!! My list of sins are very, very long and serious. '-( It's not I'm OK you're OK in this world. What a lie! '-(((( God have mercy!

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

please pray for my family and those who I have hurt in my life and caused great grievances. Please pray for me, a coward and great sinner.

Paul Lisney's avatar
This is my latest song which was inspired after seeing a video of Archbishop Fulton Sheen where he talks about the devil. At the close of the talk he tells hearing our Lord's cries and how he responded. TAKE ME DOWN And I woke…
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Very nice! Sometimes it's hard to avoid cliches in gospel/spiritual, but you did a really good job giving this an innocent introspection and earnestness. Yeah.

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

To Guest I will pray for her . We can say the St. Michael the Archangel prayer and St. Anthony's Blessing .

Paul Lisney's avatar
This a prayer given to St. Gertrude which I put to music a few years ago. If said devoutly it will free 1,000 souls from purgatory. Purgatory is where we go to get "cleaned up" if we aren't quite ready to be with God. Eternal Father, I offer…
Guest said

Pray for Shondreahka Monshaye37 something is controlling her
