Once in a nightmare
I knew you then
I think we were related,
I'm not sure
maybe we were strangers.
We'd look in windows and climb
the trees that grew,
and if it'd rained outside
we'd take off our shoes.
And when I'd see you
I would…
This song was written after I had watched a documentary about Jonestown, which featured music from their choir. They were very talented and I couldn't help wondering if any of them had survived. I'd like to think that there were a couple of 'em…
I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
Summertime in Boston, and this little tune is about how it goes by way too fast. Some hilarious chatter between the guys before and after they kick of a pseudo-psychedelic groove that I hope you will enjoy.
Awesome... is this one of your usual singers? The mic has a thinner, spacier country air to it that sounds real nice on her voice. Kinda gives it the illusion of being higher pitched or something, I like it.
I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
I hope Brian (one of us Proods) will forgive me for posting this before we could get together to work on it further. He first played it for me a few months ago and I've been obsessively tweaking it every chance I could get.
I like to imagine…
very retro in this day and age and touch of the Smiths 'ring around the fountain' in this! Thank you for your recent comments on what I do - doesn't have the beat as yours :)
Have you ever felt like it was YOU who were the problem? If you haven't, then you're missing out on one of the purest forms of self loathing that humanity has to offer. This is dedicated to the fine soul who actually did find something lovable…
Have you ever felt like it was YOU who were the problem? If you haven't, then you're missing out on one of the purest forms of self loathing that humanity has to offer. This is dedicated to the fine soul who actually did find something lovable…
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
Okies, so I'm working on some other thing and it's taking a while... drums to do and wotnot. But in the middle of it I'm digging how my Martin acoustic is working out. You probs won't even be able to hear it amongst…
Here's the first of several versions that you'll see from a collaboration across the inter webs started by Greg Connor. He got us together on the Zoom and then look what happened!!!! Music and lyrics collaborated with the talents of Steve Krell…
Looks like I'm a little bit drunk, but hey, I don't care LOL... It's been a while since I've uploaded something, but no excuse now during lockdown time :-) I still don't have proper recording facilities and I'm forever trying to find my way…
Written for the April 2020 RPM mini-challenge. I hoped for an EP and ended up with a single song. The song is largely recorded on a T25 mic I built for Brian of A Beautiful Scene as a means to test the mic. It's pretty solid if you ask me…
Strange Times is an international collaboration between Roger Harris & myself. Roger initiated the idea with the first verse and chorus along with a chord progression. I added the last verse and took some liberty in producing this version…
Um - yeah. There are a few naughty words - many apologies.
This is a bonus track -- unless I can't think of a legitimate track 10. If so, then this is both the highlight and crowning achievement of the album, and I totally intended it to be.
As a child my mother once climbed up a tree. From there she shouted to her twin brother "It is the roof of heaven showing from here"
Taivaan katto means the roof of heaven in English
Heres one I found on my Hard drive an experiment with Igor 2016 part of a project called mmmm I believe (Hi Igor its been a while...) anyway hope you enjoy
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
I wrote this one last September.
Allison Jane Sixsmith 1965-2016.
**Forever - A A J Russe**
I can see you on your rocking horse now
The one that turned around and kicked you in the teeth
He thought…
We're bored in lockdown again. I call out for collaboration and Joe Whibley pops out of the aether. And this is what happened. Joe did a fucking fantastic job with most of the work (playing all the instruments and a vocal), I just stuck in some…
Are you scared to wake up?
In the same place you laid your head.
You scribble on your make up,
To pretend your face's not dead.
And I know,
Yes I know.
The opposition shows.
Are you afraid to take up?
Memoirs of your past.
You hang…
so.... i first wrote & recorded this song in 2015, and then did a new version in 2017, and here's my updated 2020 version...
still not totally happy with it but... here we are anyway lol...
Comments on The Proods's stuff
Cool old style rock vibe.
OMG! How fun to hear your wonderful music again!!! Love this one. Hope all the Proods are well in this world.
I like this....it's like a mix between the Dead Milkmen and the Monkees!
Hi Proods!
This was a good one.
~Hi Proods~
For a moment I was back in 1966. Good work!
Yes! A MONKEES song, for sure.
Interesting sounds. Cool chord shifts.
This is cool, I don't think I've heard it before. It's a bit more like the Rain Parade (Paisley Underground sound) than your other stuff.
Awesome... is this one of your usual singers? The mic has a thinner, spacier country air to it that sounds real nice on her voice. Kinda gives it the illusion of being higher pitched or something, I like it.
Very Velvet Underground. Thanks:) NM
Yep :)
This just sounds like fun.
Like the vibe
Like it
Fun indeed! A great way to start the day with upbeat tunes!
very retro in this day and age and touch of the Smiths 'ring around the fountain' in this! Thank you for your recent comments on what I do - doesn't have the beat as yours :)
How did I miss this gem? No self loathing necessary for those responsible for this one... I hope the one didn't get away... Great song!
Ooh, a rare melancholy Proods tune... bordering on country western... the electric sounds fantastic. That is some heavenly reverb.
Comments made by The Proods
A very pleasant surprise! Terrific!
You've caught a Toots Thielman vibe...very cool.
The name itself is BRILLIANT! Creates a mood that lets you know what to expect.
Perfect mood music for me right now!
So excellent!
You have a great voice.
Ein anderes ausgezeichnetes Stück
You should do voice-over work....regular guy roles. GREAT!
I could listen to this for HOURS.
Fills me with happy vibes.
Bloody great.
Cool lyrics....great tune!
Wow! Indeeed!
Always pleasantly surprised by the imagery your music creates for me. love this.
crazy good licks