The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's listening history

Les's avatar
The copyright and exclusive publishing rights to this track in its entirety are owned by Resource Sound Ltd. Any copying, broadcasting or illegal downloading of this material is strictly prohibited and will be vigorously pursued through the UK…
Les's avatar
The copyright and exclusive publishing rights to this track in its entirety are owned by Resource Sound Ltd. Any copying, broadcasting or illegal downloading of this material is strictly prohibited and will be vigorously pursued through the UK…
thetworegs's avatar
Well it's hit poor old Reg hard today that it's finally over between him and Desirea so he's written a blues song to exorcise his pain........I've actually tried to put my own drum beat down on this one by using the keyboard as my drums and working…
thetworegs's avatar
Well it's hit poor old Reg hard today that it's finally over between him and Desirea so he's written a blues song to exorcise his pain........I've actually tried to put my own drum beat down on this one by using the keyboard as my drums and working…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Uploaded once and deleted. This is a second take on guitar and vocals. The first in a new process of mixing down. It's about a soldier. The first person that came to my mind when I thought, who would be singing a "Silent Love Song…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Not for the kids....
Wildgeas Music's avatar
An Instrumental featuring the Harmonica
Wildgeas Music's avatar
My D & D days coming out to play. Lyrics Gather round a fairy tale of waiting ladies a Prince's vail First real love for the King and Queen pass this day where the wizards play by the castle walls casting spells for the…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
An Instrumental featuring the Harmonica
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I had this mellow tune hanging around when I heard "Love is Life" by The Two Regs and thought I need to catch the other Reg while he's around. Lucky for me he had the time, the voice, and the melody. We created this lovely tune. I was electrified…