alonetone radio: Favorites


thetworegs's avatar
Reg has succumb ...this being straight lark just isn't for him's full of least he knows what to expect when he's high..... Pour the whiskey from the bottle fill the glass drain it dry say goodbye to all that sorrow…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been waiting for this day for what seems an age....and now it's here...Today is the day.... Today is the day Today is the day Today is the day Todays got to be the day i’m going to pack all those bad things in a suitcase and walk…
richardlaceves's avatar
While on our European journey last summer, we stopped at an American Cemetery in between Venice and Florance Italy. It was a gray wind swept day, long rows of white crosses ran across a deep green grass field. I have read a bit about the allied…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Setting the mood.....tuning the tone...
Movement To Contact's avatar
It's never to create.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Returning to an earlier time when things were simple.
Movement To Contact's avatar
I keep pushing the pedal down and nothing is happening....
Movement To Contact's avatar
Stop. Go. Wait. Walk. Sit. Stay.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Remember that last level of old Nintendo games? Late at night stressed out screaming at the television just hoping you will beat the game? The stress? The anxiety?
Wildgeas Music's avatar
RPM 2014 The trumpets here are Midi on my keyboard. I ran the signal through a heavy metal amp sim. Then set it in place with EQ and verb. Enjoy.
Powerlounge's avatar
Drum solos in five-four. Yep.
Powerlounge's avatar
I constantly need to remind myself that music doesn't need to be frantic, so I wrote a song about it, and ignored my own advice.
Powerlounge's avatar
I wrote this in 2001, and wasn't a good enough player to create a releasable version. After 13 years and many abandoned attempts, I finally got it onto tape the way I yearned for it to sound all those years ago. This has been my Everest, and I…
Robert James's avatar
You've heard the phrase, "fix it in the mix" right? This is my attempt. I am seriously burnt out on RPM. I'm not feeling it anymore. I'm not hearing it anymore. I'm not physically capable of playing well anymore. I recorded the guitar leads…
Powerlounge's avatar
Part one of a little love story.
Powerlounge's avatar
This is for my darling Tina, the most loving, caring, and beautiful woman I could've found.
Powerlounge's avatar
Part two of a little love story.
fallingupart's avatar
OK, it's time for you to guess the artist to whom this is a tribute. This is the latest mix in my ongoing album project.
Matt Ferrara's avatar