alonetone radio: Latest


Well, this is number 10, and with only 8 days left, I think we may be calling it on this one. There are alot of scraps left over, and even a few experiments left to showcase, including a three part duet! but alas, time is escaping into the void…
mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
AMUC's avatar
This is probably the least electronic-sounding of everything that I did from RPM 2010, although it still heavily uses samples (either self-sampled or from Freesound). That is me playing the harmonica, though. (No, really!) If the song makes…
Rob and Laura's avatar
xenotolerance's avatar
Transient texture experiment; also reverb envelopes. RPM number 10.
yelyah's avatar
I get to say that it borders on hip-hop because there’s a hip hop drum loop and a hip hop drum kit on it. I have no idea what to call it other than “electronic”. With a piano. This is my second song using Record. I was going through a book on…
yelyah's avatar
True to form, I used my new software to… do the same exact thing I’ve been doing most of this month. So far I definitely miss Logic for pure piano, but I’ll have to see if there are workarounds or things that I’m missing in Record that will make…
yelyah's avatar
Confession: Last time I did the song-a-day project, I came up with an idea from scratch every day. I intended to do the same thing this time around. This piece breaks that rule in two ways. 1. I wrote the opening part over the weekend. 2. That…
yelyah's avatar
Yay. Solo piano.
kavin.'s avatar
Well, this is just silly.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Well, song 10 finally. A bit on the heavy side, some odd FX, strange vox, an Ibanez, The ever present harmonica, and some help from Illegal Alien Autopsy. This was the first song I tracked for RPM. But, since my pen has run out of ink this month…
Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
Overgrowth is a Indie game made by Indie Dev team Wolfire. check them, and their games, out at Overgrowth is the awesome predecessor to Lugaru, an alternative action fighter/ platformer game. The synopsis of Lugaru…
Chris Michael's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Folky instrumental for RPM :)
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Instrumental intro to 2010's RPM offering..
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Second of two songs on the album about trying to be a better person. The first was about people not trying, this is about struggling (and kinda failing) to be a better person than you have been. Slide parts courtesy of Gary... Don't think for…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
This one is about how falling in love kind of involves giving up any say in whether or not your heart gets trampled. It's about that fear. Gary doing a sterling job as usual on lead guitar.. She's amazing Beauty holds no bounds and her voice…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Have no idea where this one came from. I was strumming away and the words just came out. Seems to be about some kind of wrongdoing in the past. May have been possessed. Thanks again to Gary for helping out on lead.. In sleepy towns through…
xenotolerance's avatar
RPM number nine. Technically this is in 11/4 and therefore only 32 bars long.