Comments on Roger M. Harris's stuff

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Been meaning to enhance this one for years, it's about 4 years old, sure it came about after a trip to Liverpool. The Cavern Club's not the real one, but what a great sound in there. Thanks to the Good Wife for the vocals.
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Cool :)

Roger M. Harris's avatar
My mate Dave did his Ringo bit for this one. He came with some songs title's. I was messing about in Open A (I think ) and came up with this. Thanks to Dave for the Harmonica.
jip's avatar
jip said

Bit of a canned heat sound chugging away here - nice

Roger M. Harris's avatar
My mate Dave did his Ringo bit for this one. He came with some songs title's. I was messing about in Open A (I think ) and came up with this. Thanks to Dave for the Harmonica.
JR James's avatar
JR James said

This is great!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
My mate Dave did his Ringo bit for this one. He came with some songs title's. I was messing about in Open A (I think ) and came up with this. Thanks to Dave for the Harmonica.
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Nice tuning on the guitar. I like that harmonica too. You are sounding good Roger. This is a catchy one.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
My mate Dave did his Ringo bit for this one. He came with some songs title's. I was messing about in Open A (I think ) and came up with this. Thanks to Dave for the Harmonica.
the mystery tramp's avatar
the mystery tramp said

Really good, man...have a listen to my rubbish

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Not about my own life...... just a fertile mind.... while I still have one !!! Played in Open D
igor's avatar
igor said

Oh, look what I found - excellent song!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
A simple song. An hour to write, half an hour to record. Scares me sometimes !!!! or it's rubbish !!!!
Jimmi Zollini's avatar
Jimmi Zollini said

Nice love song,beautiful vocals. Remind me of the Troggs "Love is all Around." Nicely done.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
A simple song. An hour to write, half an hour to record. Scares me sometimes !!!! or it's rubbish !!!!
Guest said

Nice one Rog!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
A simple song. An hour to write, half an hour to record. Scares me sometimes !!!! or it's rubbish !!!!
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

:) I do that every now and then, sweet song

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Just a simple Blues in Em, many thanks to my mate Dave for the harmonica.
Guest said


Roger M. Harris's avatar
A simple song. An hour to write, half an hour to record. Scares me sometimes !!!! or it's rubbish !!!!
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Nice easy song. I never would have guessed that you did the whole "writing / recoding" in such a short time.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
A simple song. An hour to write, half an hour to record. Scares me sometimes !!!! or it's rubbish !!!!
Guest said

It amazes me how guys like you and Greg C can crank 'em out so fast... good one!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

That harmonica is SWEEEEET!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
Guest said

great stuff!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

I know you guys are gonna hate me for this......Sorry guys, 'The Strip Joint' was a Paint Stripping company, I stripped Old Doors, Furniture etc, hence I'm poor..... not Tony Soprano !! Loved the comments, put a smile on my face.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
Ron's avatar
Ron said

This is great the vocals...right up my alley.....we should have talked years ago...I used to manage strippers and a few ...ahem... working girls back in the late 80's and through the 90's ...well we all have to grow up sometime!!! outstanding job on this one....

Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
JR James's avatar
JR James said

To much.political.correctness for a proper strip joint operation nowadays. Sonewhere along the line someone thought that combining a steak house with a strip joint was wise. Boobs, beef, beer and a boner! Not in that order.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Good song . . . Harmonica sounds good too. I like the talking part. I'm with Andrew. We should have had one last party, clothing optional.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said


Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

You had a strip joint?! And you closed the place down without inviting us all for a last (free) farewell party? Shame... lol Nice one. Love the groove.
