Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Amazing mix of sounds mate very cool indeed.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very nice sound space,, the sounds do pan well through my speakers (just got a new set, and this sounds really cool),, i am always impressed by the range for music/sound/feelings found on alonetone,, from my old piano plunking to your spatial symphony,, through the great guitar and vocals,, so much here to enjoy,, anyhow well played

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Wow this is unreal mate eerie sounds great track. Thanks for your comments mate.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Love all the different sounds and textures. I sure am a sucker for textured and layered sounds in music! Some really cool 'underwater' sounds! Thanks for your recent comment on my newest song 'The End'.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Guest said

Stop motion! Stop motion!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Lovely crackles in this one. Tons of wonderful textures.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Well spotted Kirk, yes.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

What an experiment! Is that the "all around my hat" sample?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

In my hands Loop Shifter is anything but subtle :)

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

might be a leeetle to experimental for what they want for Ramen, but I liked it! Bethan singing? Really?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Guest said

The more I hear this, the more inspired I am to do something really sinister.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Billowy. Those sounds layered quite nicely!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

great dream ambient

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Yeah man. Crunchy!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Guest said

Chilling and charismatic. Love all the different elements that force unsettling images in to my mind. Dark steps down shiney corridors, naked lightbulbs swinging from decaying ceilings... Okay, maybe I don't "love" that, but I'm definitely impressed by it! I think the Brothers Quay will be after you.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Big Joe Silence's avatar
Big Joe Silence said

loving the sounds and atmosphere. i gotta listen again.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven. I've been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth…
Guest said

What a blend dude! Great software!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
An experiment in using [Photosounder]( which is a spectral editing tool. This track started as a sharp tin can hit which I turned into a droning gong. But I had no idea where to go next. So I started rifling through…
Guest said

Sounds like the soundtrack to someone being slowly drugged at a carnival. Very effective! Love the underground gong sound. Deliciously dark!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Well now, this is actually a very old track, made back in March '09 and not that long after I started learning piano. I was learning a very simple 12-bar blues piece and getting bored with the piano sound I started messing about with the Logic…
Guest said

This is sensational! Permission to download, loop and warble on?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
An experiment in using [Photosounder]( which is a spectral editing tool. This track started as a sharp tin can hit which I turned into a droning gong. But I had no idea where to go next. So I started rifling through…
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
skiks/bruce hamilton said

thanks re skree. the thing about noise (for me) is it can be so fun! there's a built-in visceral excitement and the challenge is harnessing it into musical contexts. man, Lao Jia is hypnotizing me!
