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How The Years Run By

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Composed, arranged & mixed by Steffen Offermann


Floppy old mix. Another candidate for remixing or (at least) re-mastering. I’ll probably do the latter soon.

This is a synthesizer instrumental that never seemed to get many friends where I posted it. But it is still one of my favorite compositions. Maybe it’s because of the mix …

I hope you enjoy it anyway. All kinds of constructive comments will be appreciated.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Real smooth. Nice listening!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This reminds me of days at home watching 80's music videos! Love it!

Guest said

Nice smooth song, good production

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I can kind of see why it hasn't made many friends - it just is what it is... It makes me think of 80s stuff, like Moonlighting, etc :-) BUT... it's a mighty fine listen.

chesook's avatar
chesook said

Very lush, Steffen. Where's the jacuzzi and the glass of champagne? Enjoyed the listen.
