T. Alan Dekker

T. Alan Dekker's avatar

Latest Music

T. Alan Dekker's avatar
Releasing my inner Jimi Hendrix with this rough demo of a song idea I've been working on for a while. This might sound a little boomy when listening with higher fidelity equipment. In response to my mobile phone listeners, who mentioned not…
T. Alan Dekker's avatar
This is an instrumental accompaniment for choir. A bit too heavy-metal-like and overdramatic. I have earlier posted a version for kids choir, for accompaniment by Orff instruments and piano. Here are the lyrics: Christ is Risen! He rose…
T. Alan Dekker's avatar
I composed and originally recorded this Easter Song in 2000 as a demo for a 5th grade chorus "The Sylvan Sounds," at Sylvan Christian School in Grand Rapids, Michigan; conducted by Ms. Jan Postma. It was to be sung along with Orff instruments…
T. Alan Dekker's avatar
For Holy Week this year, a re-mix of a recording I made several years ago. I thought this Hymn, by Robert Lowry, would sound good with an African beat and Reggae style. Here is the result. -- Dean electro-acoustic guitar. -- Epiphone short…
T. Alan Dekker's avatar
This is a demo recording that I made for our Muskegon-area Neighborhood Bluegrass group to practice with. It will sound a lot better after it's re-recorded with the group actually playing and singing their parts. Soon to have our own Muskegon…

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T. Alan Dekker's avatar
Releasing my inner Jimi Hendrix with this rough demo of a song idea I've been working on for a while. This might sound a little boomy when listening with higher fidelity equipment. In response to my mobile phone listeners, who mentioned not…
T. Alan Dekker's avatar
This is a demo recording that I made for our Muskegon-area Neighborhood Bluegrass group to practice with. It will sound a lot better after it's re-recorded with the group actually playing and singing their parts. Soon to have our own Muskegon…
kavin.'s avatar
coelocanth's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
Prophet 12 desk module and Minilogue XD somewhat ambient leaning

Latest Comments

T. Alan Dekker's avatar
Releasing my inner Jimi Hendrix with this rough demo of a song idea I've been working on for a while. This might sound a little boomy when listening with higher fidelity equipment. In response to my mobile phone listeners, who mentioned not…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

great listen. ....cheers tony cee

T. Alan Dekker's avatar
For Holy Week this year, a re-mix of a recording I made several years ago. I thought this Hymn, by Robert Lowry, would sound good with an African beat and Reggae style. Here is the result. -- Dean electro-acoustic guitar. -- Epiphone short…
Guest said

Nice work Ted! Sounds great!

T. Alan Dekker's avatar
This is a demo recording that I made for our Muskegon-area Neighborhood Bluegrass group to practice with. It will sound a lot better after it's re-recorded with the group actually playing and singing their parts. Soon to have our own Muskegon…
Guest said

Sounds good!

T. Alan Dekker's avatar
A recording by our Muskegon-area neighborhood bluegrass group. Despite its upbeat association and recent use in pharmaceutical TV advertising, this is a rather sad song; but, like most others do, we perform it in an upbeat style. Marsha Kitchka…
Guest said

Nice Ted!!

T. Alan Dekker's avatar
An American Folk song of uncertain origin, dating to the 19th century. A short rendition of a version that tells the story of trader who fell in love with the daughter of the Oneida Iroquois chief Shenandoah (1710-1816) who lived in the…
Guest said

Oh my gosh that was awesome Ted! Well done!

T. Alan Dekker's avatar

Retired radio-electronics engineer. Amateur Radio callsign WJ8F.

from Grand Rapids, Michigan

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