Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
A caterpillars dream............
Guest said

Man, your vocals are just too good!

thetworegs's avatar
A caterpillars dream............
Guest said

This is Weirdly Entertaining:) Schizophrenia?

thetworegs's avatar
Did my second Blues lesson last night and couldn't resist writing another song to another of the Reverend Mikes Backers....but was a bit naughty as i was supposed to use the least notes possible....but whats life if it's not for being a little…
Guest said

Yeah, naughty but nice!

thetworegs's avatar
A caterpillars dream............
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

agree with sis, overlapping spoken parts with singing is perfect. Esp liking the baby noises at the ending. :)

thetworegs's avatar
A caterpillars dream............
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Are those NEW baby noises?

thetworegs's avatar
Poor Reg's mate Ronald lost his job in the Government cuts now this whole world is caving in..... he has the bailiffs pounding at his door and he can't take anymore........he has lost his pension....soon to lose his house ......he's already lost…
Guest said

Play guitar Ronald and gig! Solid track!

thetworegs's avatar
The other Reg has got the Blues too the Folsom kind......
Guest said

Cor, you're on a roll!! Fabulous!

thetworegs's avatar
He does ....he needs it.....and want's it now
Guest said

Oh my. :) Very slinkaaay.

thetworegs's avatar
A caterpillars dream............
Guest said

Love the "just like a butterfly" underpinning. Very clever vocal mixing!

thetworegs's avatar
The other Reg has got the Blues too the Folsom kind......
Guest said

Rockin great cover Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
A caterpillars dream............
Guest said

That's really enchanting and I love the baby noises.

thetworegs's avatar
The other Reg has got the Blues too the Folsom kind......
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

incredible man! so good!

thetworegs's avatar
Putting the Am blues lesson into Practice.....
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

neat lyrics and cool guitar!

thetworegs's avatar
i've started to take some Blues lessons from the Reverend over on Cool-Lab and this is the first attempt over his backer in Am and i couldn't help myself i had to sing along as well....hope you like the first effort...BB watch out!!
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Happy new year bro! See you got a load of new stuff! I look forward to listening on my days off . Peace . T

thetworegs's avatar
i've started to take some Blues lessons from the Reverend over on Cool-Lab and this is the first attempt over his backer in Am and i couldn't help myself i had to sing along as well....hope you like the first effort...BB watch out!!
mikey45011's avatar
mikey45011 said

wow far out

thetworegs's avatar
Putting the Am blues lesson into Practice.....
Guest said

You gett;n the guitar thing going on.

thetworegs's avatar
Putting the Am blues lesson into Practice.....
Guest said

Dude buddy....I cannot keep up with your you actually take time to breathe ? 80) Nice track...

thetworegs's avatar
Did my second Blues lesson last night and couldn't resist writing another song to another of the Reverend Mikes Backers....but was a bit naughty as i was supposed to use the least notes possible....but whats life if it's not for being a little…
Guest said

Great guns ...and why has the guitar got all those notes on it if they are not there for the using? Go get 'em I say........

thetworegs's avatar
Poor Reg's mate Ronald lost his job in the Government cuts now this whole world is caving in..... he has the bailiffs pounding at his door and he can't take anymore........he has lost his pension....soon to lose his house ......he's already lost…
Guest said

yeah but hey we're all in this together ! Cameron ...sorry Callmedave,says so ! CJ oh great song btw

thetworegs's avatar
Poor Reg's mate Ronald lost his job in the Government cuts now this whole world is caving in..... he has the bailiffs pounding at his door and he can't take anymore........he has lost his pension....soon to lose his house ......he's already lost…
02bfree's avatar
02bfree said

...pullin at da rug...
