Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Poor Reg's mate Ronald lost his job in the Government cuts now this whole world is caving in..... he has the bailiffs pounding at his door and he can't take anymore........he has lost his pension....soon to lose his house ......he's already lost…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

i dig the intensity man, good protest song!

thetworegs's avatar
Did my second Blues lesson last night and couldn't resist writing another song to another of the Reverend Mikes Backers....but was a bit naughty as i was supposed to use the least notes possible....but whats life if it's not for being a little…
Guest said

The blues never let's go once it has ya.

thetworegs's avatar
Did my second Blues lesson last night and couldn't resist writing another song to another of the Reverend Mikes Backers....but was a bit naughty as i was supposed to use the least notes possible....but whats life if it's not for being a little…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

wicked vocals, incredible guitar licks, excellent blues tune man. makes me wanna pick up my guitar right now.

thetworegs's avatar
Well....the lead in the background and the main is done by a vocal Fx guitars were harmed ......the rest of the music was my trusty M-audio Pro keys ......i sent it over to the other Reg as an example of what i wanted him to do with…
Guest said

Nice groove! Vocal air guitars *are* in now!

thetworegs's avatar
This is a reading of one of my favourite books, that I read for my children, they are always totally absorbed not only is the story superb but the artistry by Axel Scheffler is also fantastic. During the telling of the story i must cover every…
Guest said

Oh my word. Stirring stuff!

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
Guest said

Oh so tender - beautifully done, Regs.

thetworegs's avatar
i've started to take some Blues lessons from the Reverend over on Cool-Lab and this is the first attempt over his backer in Am and i couldn't help myself i had to sing along as well....hope you like the first effort...BB watch out!!
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

My favorite minor key.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been practising the Am Blues scale and thinking of politicians this evening...........
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


thetworegs's avatar
a little piece of whats left of the other Reg.......
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

"and is it any wonder i'm not considered sane" sung in that tone of voice is wonderful

thetworegs's avatar
Well....the lead in the background and the main is done by a vocal Fx guitars were harmed ......the rest of the music was my trusty M-audio Pro keys ......i sent it over to the other Reg as an example of what i wanted him to do with…
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

Reg was right, the vxguitars are superb. Great lyrics perfectly set & backed. i would favourite this if i could work out how

thetworegs's avatar
a little piece of whats left of the other Reg.......
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been practising the Am Blues scale and thinking of politicians this evening...........
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

sounds great but i can't make out the words, which is annoying

thetworegs's avatar
We join our friends from the cellar on their annual camping trip into the middle of nowhere...they decide to have a little fun and sing a song round the campfire to stop the arguing........if you know the song why not join in…
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

really like this - reminds me of the firesign theatre

thetworegs's avatar
Uncle Reg has yet another story for you children now stay sat and be quite....... you can criticise after you've listened.......
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

beautifully read

thetworegs's avatar
i've started to take some Blues lessons from the Reverend over on Cool-Lab and this is the first attempt over his backer in Am and i couldn't help myself i had to sing along as well....hope you like the first effort...BB watch out!!
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

beautiful singing

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

beautifully sung

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Love me some o the king. The guitar is spot-on there! Very nice.

thetworegs's avatar
8th January 2012 Happy Birthday, Elvis.
Guest said

Don't know mucdh about Elvis songs just that you tend to hate his stuff ....and then as you get older you start to like his stuff.....don't figure ...or is it maturity...this is pretty damned many in that cellar ? lol Jarvo

thetworegs's avatar
i've started to take some Blues lessons from the Reverend over on Cool-Lab and this is the first attempt over his backer in Am and i couldn't help myself i had to sing along as well....hope you like the first effort...BB watch out!!
Guest said

Nice job....I jammed along on me uke....bluekele sounded ....ummm....well it sounded...great stuff from you and the Rev...... Jarvo

thetworegs's avatar
We join our friends from the cellar on their annual camping trip into the middle of nowhere...they decide to have a little fun and sing a song round the campfire to stop the arguing........if you know the song why not join in…
Guest said

Wonderful stuff! Most entertaining! I love the impressionisms. Excellent! I can see you all around the campfire. Hear how it crackles.
