Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Long ago One mans argument against the opposition of the many didn't go down too well............Thanks Norm for Groove for St. Ambrose
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Excellent Reg! Way to bring the rasta to Ambrose!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was feeling lost last night in the cellar so he got the house band together and struck up this heart breaker....................
Norm's avatar
Norm said

We will see you through this Reg. At some point you need to stop giving the fairer gender the power to tear you up so badly...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was feeling lost last night in the cellar so he got the house band together and struck up this heart breaker....................
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lot's of feeling in there!

thetworegs's avatar
Well Jefferry came down the cellar this evening for a chat and a bit of consoling.................. so we decided to recant his tale of woe........................poor old Jeferry.............
Guest said

Agree with Vaisvil! Vocal chameleon!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was feeling lost last night in the cellar so he got the house band together and struck up this heart breaker....................
Guest said

Man, I love this. So much emotion in the Lyric

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was feeling lost last night in the cellar so he got the house band together and struck up this heart breaker....................
Guest said

'Eyup thee, from just up t'road....cracking seem to have a chameleon in your vocal stringbox me old mucker ..three songs, three different voices ...are you sure you is only thetworegs ? 80) cheers now Jarvo

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Geas for the great music....this one has the vocal of both Regs high and low....hope you enjoy....... Gone to Yesterday (Lyrics) Once upon a time I lived in a life i thought was nothing but a dream The happily ever after was just part…
Guest said

A touch of the pelvises in the vox ....great track ...very pro sound and mix much admired Jarvo

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Geas for the great music....this one has the vocal of both Regs high and low....hope you enjoy....... Gone to Yesterday (Lyrics) Once upon a time I lived in a life i thought was nothing but a dream The happily ever after was just part…
Guest said

Good one, great mix.

thetworegs's avatar
Well last night down in the cellar we got ourselves a train theme riding and this is the result hope you like it...........
Guest said

Love those keys!!

thetworegs's avatar
Now can you imagine it, it’s Christmas eve and there is no one to give us Christmas as Father Christmas has died and there is no one to take is place what are we gonna do????? What would life be without a Christmas song??? No-one to sing the…
Guest said

Horn solo is awesome!

thetworegs's avatar
Now can you imagine it, it’s Christmas eve and there is no one to give us Christmas as Father Christmas has died and there is no one to take is place what are we gonna do????? What would life be without a Christmas song??? No-one to sing the…
Guest said

Perfectly melancholy.

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Geas for the great music....this one has the vocal of both Regs high and low....hope you enjoy....... Gone to Yesterday (Lyrics) Once upon a time I lived in a life i thought was nothing but a dream The happily ever after was just part…
Guest said

Brilllient Vocal track build, really Cool

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Geas for the great music....this one has the vocal of both Regs high and low....hope you enjoy....... Gone to Yesterday (Lyrics) Once upon a time I lived in a life i thought was nothing but a dream The happily ever after was just part…
Guest said

Fabulous melody! Storming collab! Great music from Geas.

thetworegs's avatar
Now can you imagine it, it’s Christmas eve and there is no one to give us Christmas as Father Christmas has died and there is no one to take is place what are we gonna do????? What would life be without a Christmas song??? No-one to sing the…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Like "Summertime" but in reverse ...

thetworegs's avatar
Now can you imagine it, it’s Christmas eve and there is no one to give us Christmas as Father Christmas has died and there is no one to take is place what are we gonna do????? What would life be without a Christmas song??? No-one to sing the…
Guest said

Well beggar me Satchmo ain't dead after all...80) Depressingly funny and fun song ....God knows why ! ! Perhaps the rich 1% want to make this come true .....hush now Cheers Jarvo

thetworegs's avatar
Now can you imagine it, it’s Christmas eve and there is no one to give us Christmas as Father Christmas has died and there is no one to take is place what are we gonna do????? What would life be without a Christmas song??? No-one to sing the…
Guest said

Very clever Reg! Unhappy concept that. Minimal music making perfect atmosphere.

thetworegs's avatar
Well last night down in the cellar we got ourselves a train theme riding and this is the result hope you like it...........
Guest said

Very effective with just the piano. Do you have to gargle with salt after singing like that Reg? Most impressive performance.

thetworegs's avatar
Now can you imagine it, it’s Christmas eve and there is no one to give us Christmas as Father Christmas has died and there is no one to take is place what are we gonna do????? What would life be without a Christmas song??? No-one to sing the…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate cool vocals.

thetworegs's avatar
We were having a little tipple down the cellar last night and we came up with a Christmas song for the festive season...hope you enjoy.......... CHRISTMAS TIME AT THE DRUNK’S HOUSE (Lyrics) it's Christmas time in the drunks house and the…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

No this is my kind of christmas. :)

thetworegs's avatar
I have just received the little black songbook through the post and couldn't resist having a go at this one...
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Nailed Tom's voice!
