Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg got to thinking and it's pretty simple really all he needs is Love.......
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said


thetworegs's avatar
Hook sent me two mix's and i couldn't decide which sounded better so i thought i'd put both up and let you decide....this one has a bit of age to it and i love how the Banjo and the Piano work together....let me know what you decide.....thanks…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Utter fantastic ..............F&ck yeah

thetworegs's avatar
Hook sent me two mix's and i couldn't decide which sounded better so i thought i'd put both up and let you decide....this one has a bit of age to it and i love how the Banjo and the Piano work together....let me know what you decide.....thanks…
Guest said

The banjo and piano are working real well in Mix 1 as well. I enjoy the fuller vocals in mix 1.

thetworegs's avatar
Hook sent me two mix's and i couldn't decide which sounded better so i thought i'd put both up and let you decide....this one has a bit of age to it and i love how the Banjo and the Piano work together....let me know what you decide.....thanks…
Guest said

Good one.

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Chris for coming down the cellar and doing this with me .............with Chris on piano, harpsichord, electic guitar, fretless bass, electronic sax........Reg on Vocals.........
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Go team!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through some old notebooks last night in the cellar and found this one..................Divorce is a terrible thing to experience all the mixed emotions and torment............. VOICES IN THE NIGHT (Lyrics) Voices in the…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

@Bee: *"I would like to hear it sung straight"* Do you think that is a reasonable request to ask of Reg? Personally, I prefer Igor's approach.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through some old notebooks last night in the cellar and found this one..................Divorce is a terrible thing to experience all the mixed emotions and torment............. VOICES IN THE NIGHT (Lyrics) Voices in the…
Elusive Gene's avatar
Elusive Gene said

Ooh shades of Springsteen - soulful and gritty! Vocal chameleon! Tess S

thetworegs's avatar
I decided to take this classic Doors song in a totally different direction to the first one i put here it is hope you enjoy it as much as i did doing it..........
Guest said

A very strong performance.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through some old notebooks last night in the cellar and found this one..................Divorce is a terrible thing to experience all the mixed emotions and torment............. VOICES IN THE NIGHT (Lyrics) Voices in the…
Guest said

I think this is a great country song really and would like to hear it sung straight! Mind you this is a wonderful performance anyway Reg. Yeah, it's a good song this!

thetworegs's avatar
This version is based around the original with a bit of a psychedelic Reg's been a joy playing around with this tune....i hope you enjoy.............
Guest said

I think he's been on the magic mushrooms!

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Chris for coming down the cellar and doing this with me .............with Chris on piano, harpsichord, electic guitar, fretless bass, electronic sax........Reg on Vocals.........
Guest said

Hell man, Chris must be an octopus indeed! Love yer vox there Reg! Look out Freddie!

thetworegs's avatar
Thanks to Chris for coming down the cellar and doing this with me .............with Chris on piano, harpsichord, electic guitar, fretless bass, electronic sax........Reg on Vocals.........
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

- yeah, dr.'diggin' the take on the 'two.' Tanks fo checkin' d souns!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never really understood Love.......... not in last 20years since first hearing this song's still all a Mystery to him................
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

There's something ... entrancing... about this...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never really understood Love.......... not in last 20years since first hearing this song's still all a Mystery to him................
lgh's avatar
lgh said

For being stripped down to bare bones like this, your cover is excellant! Your vox is superb here.... Love it LG

thetworegs's avatar
I decided to take this classic Doors song in a totally different direction to the first one i put here it is hope you enjoy it as much as i did doing it..........
Norm's avatar
Norm said

This is great fun!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through some old notebooks last night in the cellar and found this one..................Divorce is a terrible thing to experience all the mixed emotions and torment............. VOICES IN THE NIGHT (Lyrics) Voices in the…
igor's avatar
igor said

~ Because its true I don't love you Its true I can, I'm able to say goodbye Already You're gone I'm free, I'm free To sing ~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through some old notebooks last night in the cellar and found this one..................Divorce is a terrible thing to experience all the mixed emotions and torment............. VOICES IN THE NIGHT (Lyrics) Voices in the…
Guest said

cool tune, nice use of the tremlo.

thetworegs's avatar
I decided to take this classic Doors song in a totally different direction to the first one i put here it is hope you enjoy it as much as i did doing it..........
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Damn way to jam that guitar!!! *lighter in the air*

thetworegs's avatar
I’ve used Norm’s Groove for all Hallows to create quite a dark track about the Serial Killer Peter William Sutcliffe (born 2 June 1946) is a British serial killer who was dubbed "The Yorkshire Ripper". In 1981 Sutcliffe was convicted of murdering…
Guest said

Hi, I'm not able to listen any further than 4 minutes, although I know it all aready, but just wanted to say that it is the truth and your delivery is most excellent.

thetworegs's avatar
I’ve used Norm’s Groove for all Hallows to create quite a dark track about the Serial Killer Peter William Sutcliffe (born 2 June 1946) is a British serial killer who was dubbed "The Yorkshire Ripper". In 1981 Sutcliffe was convicted of murdering…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Eegads Reg!
