Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
The Sunday papers are so depressing .................another of Reg's nightmares but i think this time it may be true...........
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Truth is stranger (and scarier) than fiction(-

thetworegs's avatar
Reg woke from his nightmare gasping for breath.....but it was ok it was only a was only a dream....wasn't it?
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

acid rain? :-)

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis got philosophising in the cellar again last Louie and Reg got Bluesy with him and this is what turned out of the session......... DREAMER(Lyrics) Well I asked the mirror if my dreams would come true…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

nice! Good backing and vocals!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg woke from his nightmare gasping for breath.....but it was ok it was only a was only a dream....wasn't it?
Guest said

Ha, I like the title. Very funky backing.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg woke from his nightmare gasping for breath.....but it was ok it was only a was only a dream....wasn't it?
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

I read in the encyclopedia,that the last clean air in the continental U.S. ...disappeared around Flagstaff AZ. in 1957.

thetworegs's avatar
Got to keep the Monkey busy....then he won't bother you .....Thanks Norm
Guest said

A bit of ethereal monkeying around! Cool!

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis got philosophising in the cellar again last Louie and Reg got Bluesy with him and this is what turned out of the session......... DREAMER(Lyrics) Well I asked the mirror if my dreams would come true…
igor's avatar
igor said

Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer ...they also sang: ~ Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no! I said dreamer, you're nothing but a dreamer Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no! OH NO! ~

thetworegs's avatar
The energy levels were at an all time high this weekend when Bon and jimi turned up down the Cellar for a session. Here's a little something from the session........... Reg'n'Roll...other Reg really blisters the guitar on this one OH WHAT A…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

bloody el - awesome

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis got philosophising in the cellar again last Louie and Reg got Bluesy with him and this is what turned out of the session......... DREAMER(Lyrics) Well I asked the mirror if my dreams would come true…
Guest said

Great delivery Regs. Love yer lyrics.

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis got philosophising in the cellar again last Louie and Reg got Bluesy with him and this is what turned out of the session......... DREAMER(Lyrics) Well I asked the mirror if my dreams would come true…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

A pretty, soft rock offering

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis got philosophising in the cellar again last Louie and Reg got Bluesy with him and this is what turned out of the session......... DREAMER(Lyrics) Well I asked the mirror if my dreams would come true…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

A hunk-a-hunk of burnin' thetworegs

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been thinking he's fed up with all this celebrity crap.......the emperor is naked can't you see.......... CELEBRITY STRIFE (Lyrics) I’ve said this once I’ve said this twice I don’t give a damn about the celebrities life About who…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Let's all kill our televisions! Good one Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis got philosophising in the cellar again last Louie and Reg got Bluesy with him and this is what turned out of the session......... DREAMER(Lyrics) Well I asked the mirror if my dreams would come true…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Get a new mirror, Reg. Great vox as always!

thetworegs's avatar
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
Guest said

Shakespeare is smiling:) awesome!

thetworegs's avatar
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
lgh's avatar
lgh said

Shall I compare thee to a Shakespearian poet? OMG Reg's..... This is the most fantastic piece of musical poetry yet! Love it, love it Piepod LG

thetworegs's avatar
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

You are the most creative individual. I mean Duo.

thetworegs's avatar
That's exactly what happened nearly didn't stop.....................
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

That was fun.

thetworegs's avatar
They were Black and Blue but finally Elvis got up and did his stint in the Live in the Living room was good practice for his strumming, cause by god does he need it.....but no one dare tell him…
Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

Hey reg!love the ElvisJagger here...well done. And thank you for the continued support of the orphan tracks. Getting the occasional messages really make our day. Thank You and keep rockin!

thetworegs's avatar
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

You read poetry very well! Enjoyed!

thetworegs's avatar
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool.
