Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
I heard M.T.C's Session 1 today and thought wow!!! so asked if it was ok if i could jump on for the ride..Jim said Ok! here goes.........a song about loves dream being broken.........thanks again Jim...................based around these…
Guest said

Blown away guys this is just tooo damn good...makes me wanna

thetworegs's avatar
Well reg was down the cellar last night watching re runs of Saturday night Live that Chris and Norm had sent him and they gave Reg an idea which John who sat quietly watching approved…
Guest said

Fresh and more then original man! awesome!!

thetworegs's avatar
Well reg was down the cellar last night watching re runs of Saturday night Live that Chris and Norm had sent him and they gave Reg an idea which John who sat quietly watching approved…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I like this version a lot! Nice key work - great vocals as well!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has done a reading from Edgar Allen Poe's work The Raven for you this evening in one take mistakes and all ....he hopes the words wash over you with some was a bit of a tongue twister
Guest said

"A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!" Cor, you reminded me of Sir Lawrence Olivier. Wow, you should be on the stage of the RSC. Really well read!

thetworegs's avatar
It's my wife's Birthday tomorrow so I recorded the children singing happy Birthday to her so i can wake her up with it tomorrow .....i'm sure she is going to love it.....then she will have the live version when they all pile in........
Guest said

How lovely! Yes, Happy Birthday to Mummy!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg thought he was just going through a rough patch......but of course being Reg he'd got it wrong again....and now he just doesn't want to talk about it.......
Guest said

That's the way, start again Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard M.T.C's Session 1 today and thought wow!!! so asked if it was ok if i could jump on for the ride..Jim said Ok! here goes.........a song about loves dream being broken.........thanks again Jim...................based around these…
Guest said

Not what I expected at all but very pleasantly surprised. Incredible vox there Reg and love the music.

thetworegs's avatar
This one is live from the cellar last night...Unplugged recorded with one close your eyes and imagine me here alone on a wet Monday night in Sheffield in the cellar alone as Elvis and Jim had heard about an Happy hour round the corner…
Guest said

Yeah an awesome and energetic cover Reg. If that is you on guitar, you are a fast learner.

thetworegs's avatar
This one is live from the cellar last night...Unplugged recorded with one close your eyes and imagine me here alone on a wet Monday night in Sheffield in the cellar alone as Elvis and Jim had heard about an Happy hour round the corner…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I thought you said you couldn't play guitar! This is an awesome cover!! We need to do the Joe Cocker version "With a Little Help From my Friends"!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard M.T.C's Session 1 today and thought wow!!! so asked if it was ok if i could jump on for the ride..Jim said Ok! here goes.........a song about loves dream being broken.........thanks again Jim...................based around these…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Reg, while I appreciate that you are obtaining musical inspiration reading bed-time stories to your children, do *not* use this interpretation of Edward Lear's poem to tuck them in - and this song is way to rockin' to put anyone to sleep.

thetworegs's avatar
I heard M.T.C's Session 1 today and thought wow!!! so asked if it was ok if i could jump on for the ride..Jim said Ok! here goes.........a song about loves dream being broken.........thanks again Jim...................based around these…
Guest said

Fabulous wailing!!!! Red hot collab!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard M.T.C's Session 1 today and thought wow!!! so asked if it was ok if i could jump on for the ride..Jim said Ok! here goes.........a song about loves dream being broken.........thanks again Jim...................based around these…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

awesomeness!! Reg I love your inner rock star!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard M.T.C's Session 1 today and thought wow!!! so asked if it was ok if i could jump on for the ride..Jim said Ok! here goes.........a song about loves dream being broken.........thanks again Jim...................based around these…
Guest said

Reg, you are the man!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard M.T.C's Session 1 today and thought wow!!! so asked if it was ok if i could jump on for the ride..Jim said Ok! here goes.........a song about loves dream being broken.........thanks again Jim...................based around these…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Your more then welcome Trev. :) Another great set of vocals, random crazy dream influenced vocals haha!

thetworegs's avatar
This one is live from the cellar last night...Unplugged recorded with one close your eyes and imagine me here alone on a wet Monday night in Sheffield in the cellar alone as Elvis and Jim had heard about an Happy hour round the corner…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Out of the park! Great fun!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg thought he was just going through a rough patch......but of course being Reg he'd got it wrong again....and now he just doesn't want to talk about it.......
Guest said

Poor old Reg...another one bites the dust..

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has done a reading from Edgar Allen Poe's work The Raven for you this evening in one take mistakes and all ....he hopes the words wash over you with some was a bit of a tongue twister
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

can I set this to music?? This awesome!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was watching the ladies on the dance floor then suddenly one took his eye.................................a bit of noodle that turned into something........
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I like the effects! nice groove

thetworegs's avatar
It's funny but Reg doesn't feel the same when he goes back to his old hometown....He feels a bit of a stranger not just to the folks but to himself it's like he doesn't recognise his old self anymore Reg discussed this over with Elvis…
igor's avatar
igor said

~Late return of the Prodigal Son~

thetworegs's avatar
It's funny but Reg doesn't feel the same when he goes back to his old hometown....He feels a bit of a stranger not just to the folks but to himself it's like he doesn't recognise his old self anymore Reg discussed this over with Elvis…
Vestigial Remorse's avatar
Vestigial Remorse said

I always love the way your songs tell a story -- awesome as always
