Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg's little homage to Elizabeth Taylor who passed away today, the piano is a little dodgy and the lyrics and the singing in parts as i'm following my dodgy playing, it will have to be revisited but i thought i'd share anyway as i would forget…
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

nice work :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg's little homage to Elizabeth Taylor who passed away today, the piano is a little dodgy and the lyrics and the singing in parts as i'm following my dodgy playing, it will have to be revisited but i thought i'd share anyway as i would forget…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

flipping sensational Reg-man......deep feeling here.

thetworegs's avatar
jim was getting moping about the cellar, he was bored, i mean he must have been down here in the cellar now for nearly 40 years...him and Louis used to rip the place up every night, something terrible. But lately he had been a bit down and not…
Guest said

Grrrreat track Regs!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has made Jim smile with this one........
Guest said

That's a really different vocal delivery for you. Nice!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg's little homage to Elizabeth Taylor who passed away today, the piano is a little dodgy and the lyrics and the singing in parts as i'm following my dodgy playing, it will have to be revisited but i thought i'd share anyway as i would forget…
Guest said

Oh no, I didn't know! Bless her! Thanks Regs.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg's little homage to Elizabeth Taylor who passed away today, the piano is a little dodgy and the lyrics and the singing in parts as i'm following my dodgy playing, it will have to be revisited but i thought i'd share anyway as i would forget…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Yet another side to your amazing voice, Reg. Impressive.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was at the weekly AA meeting at the old school and the group asked Reg if there was anything he would like to Reg decided to share this ........
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Love it to prolific is an understatement! Checking your back catalog - quantity and quality...You Regs are a marvel.

thetworegs's avatar
While Reg was travelling the country he met an old Indian gentleman called Abdul Aziz in a newsagents in the city of Bradford in the North of England while buying his morning paper. Reg struck up a conversation with the old man and they got on…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

love the vocal effects. awesome

thetworegs's avatar
The darkness has come to haunt Reg again..... The Darkness comes again Disbeliever what is your name Your calling out from the dark again I hear your words but there not what they say in my mind there as clear as mud The trodden…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

aaah darkness my friend

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has made Jim smile with this one........
Guest said

oh he's smiling alright:) love this one!

thetworegs's avatar
He has no clothes what are we going to do? Or rather what are you going to do?
LimboManBand's avatar
LimboManBand said

Surrealistic musical theater! Delightfully mysterious. And what do we do when we discover the emperor has no clothes? Hide inside our televisions? Or just go "Crazy Dancing" around? Perhaps someday we'll wake up and cast the emperors out! PEACE/LOVE/HOPE Power to the People!

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis couldn't just leave you with one so here's another.....God bless him....
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

God bless you got the thang going on man

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis is in the building and Elvis needs to let go he's got the TCB's together and let loose
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

I am stunned by this beautiful thang

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis is in the building and Elvis needs to let go he's got the TCB's together and let loose
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Flipping hell man.....what a vocal

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis is in the building and Elvis needs to let go he's got the TCB's together and let loose
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

What an absolutely stunning vocal........sheeeeet man

thetworegs's avatar
.......if there not the one,should you keep looking, if so for how long...........well Reg threw Henwrench's music into the cellar and what bounced out was a song he wasn't suspecting.... Love me tender I've been alone now seems to long…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Wait. Did you actually throw Henwrench into your cellar? Here's my talley of who's down there already with the Regs Deuce: Henwrench Vincent Price Elvis Frederico Louie Armstrong Bon Scott Frank Sinatra Jim Morrison and perhaps Satan.

thetworegs's avatar
.......if there not the one,should you keep looking, if so for how long...........well Reg threw Henwrench's music into the cellar and what bounced out was a song he wasn't suspecting.... Love me tender I've been alone now seems to long…
Guest said

Haha, rock 'n' roll!

thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Mary lived in the anonymous council flats near Reg, he didn't know her he just read about her in the paper....Thanks Henwrench
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Yeah, great bass. Love the guitar work. Love the vocals too! Heck, I love the whole thing!

thetworegs's avatar
jim was getting moping about the cellar, he was bored, i mean he must have been down here in the cellar now for nearly 40 years...him and Louis used to rip the place up every night, something terrible. But lately he had been a bit down and not…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I love those vocals. Elvis is alive! ;)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was at the weekly AA meeting at the old school and the group asked Reg if there was anything he would like to Reg decided to share this ........
Norm's avatar
Norm said

A spectacular vox Reg, although I confess I can no longer tell when you are copping an accent - I suspect you have many convincing voices. Poor big-hearted monkey. You are going to miss him. But at least he's off of your back, if I'm hearing this parable correctly.
