Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Desirea is playing with Regs head again....
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Damn that Desirea. She does that to everyone...

thetworegs's avatar
First one for a long time thanks for listening .... thought i'd try playing everything...still got to work on that bass and drums \DARLING.DARLING,DARLING G D G D G D C G D EM7 A A7 EM7 A A7 EM7 A A7 C G AM A6 AM D Oh darling darling…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

This sounds like an American anthem - fantastic, guys!

thetworegs's avatar
First one for a long time thanks for listening .... thought i'd try playing everything...still got to work on that bass and drums \DARLING.DARLING,DARLING G D G D G D C G D EM7 A A7 EM7 A A7 EM7 A A7 C G AM A6 AM D Oh darling darling…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

nice that you are doing it all - you've grown alot in musicianship over the years!

thetworegs's avatar
Live in the Cellar...........
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

I like the raw vibe. I need to a song like this. I'm inspired.

thetworegs's avatar
Desirea is playing with Regs head again....
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

nice groove !

thetworegs's avatar
My heart goes out to all those people who lost loved ones in the fire last night that played out the terrible scenes on the TV this morning. I watched with my mouth open at the horror of it all and wished i was dreaming......
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Still a huge fan of your stuff!

thetworegs's avatar
another for the RPM the seeker the psychic the depressed turn to to put there life back on track..... THE SEEKER so your the seeker, who can unfold the dreams can you tell me whats waiting out there in the foreseen can you see in to my minds…
igor's avatar
igor said


thetworegs's avatar
Gary the drummer sent the lyrics and chords over and im guitlty og the rest. I must add it sounds nothing like it will finish up but hey i've just got my computer back and can record again so who cares!!!
lux lucis's avatar
lux lucis said

I really dig this one.

thetworegs's avatar
another for the one chord song club..... WHITE LINE FEVER coming up like a speeding train as the powder hits my brain i can taste every grain as the brain begins to stain begins to stain Got the white line fever i’m set alight like…
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said


thetworegs's avatar
Yesterday i was a dreamer Today am i just a fool got nothing to give you in this life i’m just your tool i feel like someones mule i feel like someones mule Pull this gun from fingers Take this anger out from my soul let it go…
World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

Great warm, round tube sound on that lead guitar.

thetworegs's avatar
i want to start to feel real This old heart mine has had nothing but bad times Every time i think i got it made By christ it all goes wrong again yeah Everything goes wrong and i’m left singing this sad song i want to feel some love running…
igor's avatar
igor said

Die to wake up to be a fool! ...that's what I am loving.

thetworegs's avatar
I've taken up Kens Challenge to work on this backer with him.I hope no one is offended by this too much. Its just an opinion , i've tried to describe the conflict in American politics and the world to the new President Trumps and his attitudes…
World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

Don't let ol "Pump 'n Dump" Trump scare you. The big bad Russkies are more in control nowadays, anyhow.

thetworegs's avatar
The Bunker Sessions MK11 A Led Zeppelin song from The Two Regs in Germany. The Two Regs re-united in The Bunker 2013.
World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

We used to sing this when the sentries were down, back in Bristol. They may have confiscated our weed, booze, and my #laserhandcannon, but they'll never get our songs.

thetworegs's avatar
This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the…
World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

Glad to see the Two Regs are in fine fettle these days. You don't even appear to be relying on the Eventide vox Harmonizer any more, that's good. Have you heard Reggie Watts "F*ck Sh*t Stack"? You can find the video on YouTube, I can't watch it any more since my ex-girlfriend got stabbed in the hand, but It's pretty good.

thetworegs's avatar
i want to start to feel real This old heart mine has had nothing but bad times Every time i think i got it made By christ it all goes wrong again yeah Everything goes wrong and i’m left singing this sad song i want to feel some love running…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Love your phrasing. Nice job.

thetworegs's avatar
My computer decided to give up the ghost so while its being fixed I dragged out an old laptop and recorded this through the inbuilt mic adding a little lead after ...
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Super snappy!

thetworegs's avatar
A 1st mix
doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

Nice one. Movin' to this groove

thetworegs's avatar
A 1st mix
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

Rip roaring brother!!!! Booooosh!

thetworegs's avatar
another for the RPM the seeker the psychic the depressed turn to to put there life back on track..... THE SEEKER so your the seeker, who can unfold the dreams can you tell me whats waiting out there in the foreseen can you see in to my minds…
Anton's avatar
Anton said

I like this one, authority is really dangerous to some people in times of depression.

thetworegs's avatar
Heres another from the collaboration list on the other-side another excellent backer by Kari Thanks for letting me play with it.... TRY TO LOVE ME why are you so scared of things that, you can not change Why do you spend your time worrying…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Reg, some of the best stuff you've ever done (IMVHO). Love the rock out tracks especially - Snowblind, Lumbering Beast and Moving On all big faves.
