Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
Thanks for all the cool feedback, it's most apreciated :)
Sky Full of Hurricanes (lyrics)
It's on, It's on...
Tricking yourself
like you're never gonna chase again
Exiled and true while you're counting to ten
Testing this place trading…
My cyber friend Tony Jones , added some keys , percussion and lead , transforming my song into something i couldn't have dreamed of
To the Welsh Wizard , many thanks
The copyright and exclusive publishing rights to this track in its entirety are owned by Resource Sound Ltd. Any copying, broadcasting or illegal downloading of this material is strictly prohibited and will be vigorously pursued through the UK…
Let’s swim in these oceans
On dolphins or whales
Their bodies in motion
Let’s hold on to their tails
Let’s fly with the eagles
Let’s soar through the skies
and cry like the seagulls
Let’s just fly
Let’s sail into sunsets
Let’s follow the tides…
Oh bright morning star
Draw me to your light
How far do I have to travel
How many lonely nights
I don’t know where I’m heading
Just don’t lead me astray
In my search for tomorrow
Or for a better day
Oh bright morning star
Draw me to your light…
I found the image at Rinkie's Blog
From this past weekend's improvfriday
Lovely piano from Norbert Oldani - 5 string bass from me. We only wish we could have performed it live for you...
My cyber friend Tony Jones , added some keys , percussion and lead , transforming my song into something i couldn't have dreamed of
To the Welsh Wizard , many thanks
Only my Fender Mustang + Marshall Amp + I dragged out the whammy bar - AKG D950 behind the amp and Zoom H2 in front into sonar and panned a bit. Yes I reach for that E to G movement again. If you are dissatisfied I will refund your money.
I want to be able to do that beginning ....... love the wild sound of it... one day (Reg learning guitar) where was I 1st finger on the 5th string 2nd fret and 2nd finger on the 4th string 2nd fret and pluck ....ha ha Em I'm my fingers may be a while Chris before were dueting with guitars .......I think I'll stick to the singing...this excellent enjoyed that sound of Fender and Marshall with a little help from Vaisvil...
the planet of the apes comes to mind ..."70s it....congures some great imagery of intrigue and to hear this live....excellent ...
Please see the blog page for the complete blow-by-blow description of this collaboration with drummer / composer Peter Thoegersen
now that's some drumming the ominous bass.....and what ever that is creeping in guitar mid will have check the blog.....great sounds....nice ending back to ominous bass and space.........
Oh hai. This is Bryce!
I have a cold today, but on the brightside I conjured up a song!
Yes :3 I do realize the vocals are a tad quiet; I apologize for this! The next song will be better. I promise you that.
recorded on this day one year ago in geirs hut in porsgrunn norway.
met are: Geir (geir alfsen)Guitar
osckilo (tharek mokbul)guitar
flash harry (mike fife) bass guitar and homemade tambourine
oldrottenhead (jim higgins…
Left here smilin' but you came back mean
Ain't no need to tell me, I know where you've been
Ya tell me you love me, an' you really care
an' if you just had some more, you'd be happy to share
You came back wantin' once you'd lost in all…
After the other Reg knew that i found out about his affair with Desirea he's done the right thing to save thetworegs and finished with her, he wanted Elvis to help him out on this one he wouldn't he was a little upset at his behaviour. So the…
Product of noodling around. Lead guitars are a combo of UAD's Nigel plugin and the Fractal Axe Fx. Clean guitars are the Fractal. The outro guitars are my Princeton Recording amp.
I played the piano's through my midi guitar and Axon. You can…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Super cool!!
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
Nice with a rather large N"..............
Your right Sis this a beaut of a track....
back for another listen of this beauty.........
loving this Tim.......
and another......
lovely song well written and performed sounds like I'm in the room listening excellent.......
a beautiful song Geir the lyrics....
that's one lonely dark wet street.........loving the bass and piano together......
just love it......
this is a beauty to wake up to .......
superb remix ........
I want to be able to do that beginning ....... love the wild sound of it... one day (Reg learning guitar) where was I 1st finger on the 5th string 2nd fret and 2nd finger on the 4th string 2nd fret and pluck ....ha ha Em I'm my fingers may be a while Chris before were dueting with guitars .......I think I'll stick to the singing...this excellent enjoyed that sound of Fender and Marshall with a little help from Vaisvil...
the planet of the apes comes to mind ..."70s it....congures some great imagery of intrigue and to hear this live....excellent ...
now that's some drumming the ominous bass.....and what ever that is creeping in guitar mid will have check the blog.....great sounds....nice ending back to ominous bass and space.........
no nonsense at all Bryce welcome aboard enjoyed it..........
just listened to the whole fest on the player on the otherside excellent stuff including this great vocal Jim as always passion in this one
down and dirty..........
She won't Norm ....She that's a title for a song.....
Watch out Chris it looks like Desirea's homing in on you...keep your cards close to your chest......or is she already there ??????
still a thing of beauty......"