Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
...same for orbiting shuttle as in falling elevator; always accelerating towards earth to as if falling!!! Therefore, you fall at the same rate as shuttle, objects float relative to shuttle, can’t tell which way is up.
Bad Münder Diaries
…he understood that more nothing is necessary; it already here, now // peace of mind, confidence and clear vision of the purpose of existence // he took a deep breath and swam down the river...
/for all the people
He listened while shaving ......applying the shaving cream precisley.....then taking great pleasure in razoring it off...his thoughts drifted....the sun started to break through the window and grab his attention.....a voice must get to work....but it's my day off.......well what's this list of things to Do then...get your pen and start to tick the list.....and so the day started.....
Thank you Greg Connor for putting his wonderful harmonica on this song. Enjoy!!
My little steam train
Rolling down the tracks
My little steam train
Going to take me back
All aboard!
The conductor shouts
Hear that horn blow
I wasn't going to post this - it's the original demo that the finished version is based on. This is the same lead vocal and resonator part that's on the full version - no EQ or anything, just the naked tracks. There's two bars of silence before…
Here's a new one. Well, a new old one, actually... And a bit different than the last one!
Something old, something new, something borrowed, and, er, something blue...
**Nobody Loves You - A A J Russe**
Nobody loves you
Like you…
Once again, Greg Connor has kindly added his wonderful harmonica and Dobro to this song. Thanks so much, Greg! Mean Streak Blues is a song about how wrongly we could deal with frustration....enjoy listening
Dogs bark all night
Don’t you bow, to kings and queens
Rise above, everything
If the devil beckons, and the angels sing
Don’t listen to, anything
The time has come, to raise your hands
C’mon everybody, take a stand
Higher, Higher, Higher, Higher…
Just a little something I've been tinkering with. Lyrics and Music from yours truly, Nick P
Am I fool to love you
Am I fool to love you
I'd drive 300 miles just to see your smile
Here I am, but you want that other man
Am I fool to love…
Song inspired by listening to Nick Cave and reading all the bad news in the newspapers. Enjoy.
Lyrics and Music by yours truly, Nick Plagakis
Damn it’s cold, as I exit this road
Time is now to intoxicate the soul
Up high, private jets…
Well, I'm almost on a roll now - this little love song was written, arranged, and recorded in just a week. I've been meaning to attempt something like this for years, just never got round to it.
I'd actually settled down to finally record a…
Well, I'm almost on a roll now - this little love song was written, arranged, and recorded in just a week. I've been meaning to attempt something like this for years, just never got round to it.
I'd actually settled down to finally record a…
That's six days and 22 hours longer than most of mine but then it does show yours are much classier love that guitar and the vocals as good as ever ... Great lyrics too
When your world is destroyed as you know it, the ability to overcome and renew yourself is a very steep ascent. It may take years, and this song is about that struggle to 'let it go'
The song that led the way. I came up with the guitar sound first, and needed a song that evoked the pure energy that was coming from that guitar sound. It needed to be fast and intense. And it needed harmonies. We're full abandon 'cause it's time…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
A masterpiece from the master ...the pupil applauds .....a single handclap among many ...he hopes he has been heard Bravo!! Bravo!!
He listened while shaving ......applying the shaving cream precisley.....then taking great pleasure in razoring it off...his thoughts drifted....the sun started to break through the window and grab his attention.....a voice must get to work....but it's my day off.......well what's this list of things to Do then...get your pen and start to tick the list.....and so the day started.....
Great fun!! Jam it on!! Excellent collab
Pure and beautifully performed ....
ain't that it!!
you are certainly on a roll love that excellent collab
Come now.... please do a bad one now and again and give us other mere mortels a chance...l.o.l a cracking track
a wonderful love song
Fab vocal as always with some great lyrics love the vibe.......
Thanks Andy I appreciate you'd ears
Ive been calling my Postman all sorts of names because he only brings me brown letters ..... ...What's he been bringing you? Great Track by the way
That's six days and 22 hours longer than most of mine but then it does show yours are much classier love that guitar and the vocals as good as ever ... Great lyrics too
That bass and drum beat really drive this beauty....iced of with that beautiful guitar...
A great start...
It won't be that bad think of all those wet t shirts ..... "Titties & beer Titties & beer" they cried.....
A great song about Susan .....
My kinda woman .....
Fab album enjoyed it all Thanks!!
She was a lass ....
Love it !!