Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
thetworegs - vocals (holy gospel choir of Regs)
Dave Berry- Strat, bass, organ, drums played on Roland HD-1
"In the Ghetto" (originally titled "The Vicious Circle") is a song recorded by Elvis Presley and published by Elvis Presley Music in…
Collaboration with my sister. Figured I should put it in. Have you ever felt like you were bad news for those that dated you? Well this song is about that feeling. (All songs are a work in progress)
Acoustic tale recorded Christmas 2010.
I wrote it years ago. Even tried rehearsing it with the band I was in at the time. But I couldn't play it properly. It took several weeks of practicing DADGAD (never really used it in anger before) until…
This is a bonus track of sorts for the mock EP It takes a village. I had the verse chord chages around for many years but just until last week the song and lyrics came together really quickly. I thought I heard a band arrangement originally but…
Once upon a time, a man couldn't think of a song to save his life, and then one night it just came together. I miss the cello though. (all recordings are a work in progress)
Yesterday was a misfire because I had the drums misaligned - but Fabrizio came to the rescue and mixed this properly! We hope you enjoy our collaboration!
Earth, Can You Hear me Now? is a rock composition in 17 notes per octave (17 edo, 17…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
As turning the pages of memory, randomly and lento. All that I know, is seen not as it was actually, but with age and experience (...dusted?). How can I forget? Do I need to?
~Kudamm distant bells ringing not for me, not for us, not for who…
As turning the pages of memory, randomly and lento. All that I know, is seen not as it was actually, but with age and experience (...dusted?). How can I forget? Do I need to?
~Kudamm distant bells ringing not for me, not for us, not for who…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
Love this track........been playing it a lot ....
a lifetime ago or that's what it seems since the cellar choir got its vocal chords round this one...still loving that solo Dave
loving your intimate vocal your sisters sound great.....i've never given much thought either but i will now at least for a while anyway.......
Good the pace going on the vocal good job
Missed this thing of beauty your voice as always....great playing too...thanks Slkrell
Gets the ooh yeah Badge of approval....made it your own it...a great version
Loving the guitar piano......great vocal too
excellent....loved it.....
Your too hard on yourself.....sounds great where's my yellow jacket
With a new mix.......
Just beautiful .............
it's been a while Boris when can we get some more....please....pretty please
Love the rhythm of this ....its got me .....great vocal too
Igors far bells made me remember this collab from way back........
Wandering backwards in memory at an alarming pace to discover the forgotten to remember that you wanted to forget
Loving that bass.....a gem of a song .......Wonderfull the whole feel fact I love it.....
Geas is not available At the moment could you please leave a message on the drum beat......