Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
and yet another for the project basic Zep
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Excellent version

thetworegs's avatar
Another for the back to basics Zep album....Thanks Andy R for suggesting it...........
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I really enjoyed this. That piano sounds great!

thetworegs's avatar
Gene sent me this one over and i jumped all over it ...what a great backer.. Hope you enjoy!!
Guest said

Too good! shyttt i wish had your voice. solid!

thetworegs's avatar
Back to basics Zep
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Did I not fave this last time?? **FIXED**

thetworegs's avatar
Another for the back to basics Zep album....Thanks Andy R for suggesting it...........
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

AH! Here it is :) And it's INSPIRED! Love what you've done with the piano - I wondered how you'd deal with making an arrangement... And the vox - woof! Well, if Percy doesn't want to play, perhaps Mr Page ought to get in touch with you?

thetworegs's avatar
another in the back to basics Zep......
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Now this one got me thinking... perhaps you should dip into the Howling Wolf catalogue itself? You've got the voice for it. Tasty blues vocal.

thetworegs's avatar
and yet another for the Basic Zep project....
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Whereas this one on IV... always liked it. Quite surprised how much I like it without all the bombast. Cool version.

thetworegs's avatar
and yet another for the project basic Zep
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

OK, I admit it, I don't really hold Led Zeppelin IV in the reverence many LZ fans do! I guess this song is one of the reasons for that... I'll give you A- on this one(!) but it's mainly the material you're forced to work with - tell them Page/Plant guys to buck their ideas up! hehe

thetworegs's avatar
another back to basics Zep this one goes out to Martin where ever he is ...he died getting on for 14 years ago but he's not forgotten ...Happy birthday for tomorrow man.....
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Wasn't too sure where this was going during the intro, then when the vocals started I saw it all... This is a FABULOUS version. I've always had a love/hate/indifference relationship with this song. It's one of the few where Robert Plant's lyrics got in the way for me. But you carry it off superbly. At 5:26 I was left thinking "why isn't there more?"

thetworegs's avatar
Gene sent me this one over and i jumped all over it ...what a great backer.. Hope you enjoy!!
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Wooo! Rockin. Nice one guys.

thetworegs's avatar
another back to basics Zep this one goes out to Martin where ever he is ...he died getting on for 14 years ago but he's not forgotten ...Happy birthday for tomorrow man.....
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Top Job mate

thetworegs's avatar
Gene sent me this one over and i jumped all over it ...what a great backer.. Hope you enjoy!!
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

This is excellent

thetworegs's avatar
another back to basics Zep this one goes out to Martin where ever he is ...he died getting on for 14 years ago but he's not forgotten ...Happy birthday for tomorrow man.....
Guest said

Awesome version to this song. Kudos!

thetworegs's avatar
Wildgeas sent me over this excellent backer and in return i sent him back a garbled vocal and a jumbled lead guitar and out of the pigs ear that i sent him ….the Surgeon that he is…cut and pasted and he has created a silk purse…i even sound…
Guest said

For those who haven't seen it, the vid is here. ~WG

thetworegs's avatar
Another for the back to basics Zep album....Thanks Andy R for suggesting it...........
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

You can't argue with those pipes.

thetworegs's avatar
Another for the back to basics Zep album....Thanks Andy R for suggesting it...........
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

I dig your handle of the keys and your vocal delivery – ROCK ON!

thetworegs's avatar
Back to basics Zep
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Love this piano version... nice singing

thetworegs's avatar
A whole lotta love the zep classic taken back to the blues
Paul Lennon's avatar
Paul Lennon said

Way to belt it out. Love the vox T.

thetworegs's avatar
A whole lotta love the zep classic taken back to the blues
Paul Lennon's avatar
Paul Lennon said

Yup. You re-imagined that tune. Nicely.

thetworegs's avatar
Back to basics Zep
Paul Lennon's avatar
Paul Lennon said

I miss jammin' with you. Drop me a line sometime. We'll hit some B flats or something. :notes:
