Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Track 1 of this years Rpm challenge 2023 covering the concept of age and the effect on poor old Reg... My heart beat feels like a strangers It drums to a different kinda beat The image in this head of mine hangs in defeat It don’t feel…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

oh wow....this song speaks to me! What a great tune....beautiful guitar solo in there too. Thanks and congrats on your RPM :)

thetworegs's avatar
Track 1 of this years Rpm challenge 2023 covering the concept of age and the effect on poor old Reg... My heart beat feels like a strangers It drums to a different kinda beat The image in this head of mine hangs in defeat It don’t feel…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Great song! Congratulations on accomplishing RPM 2023.

thetworegs's avatar
Track 1 of this years Rpm challenge 2023 covering the concept of age and the effect on poor old Reg... My heart beat feels like a strangers It drums to a different kinda beat The image in this head of mine hangs in defeat It don’t feel…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

words are spot on. so good

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally let Desirea go.......but he's heartbroken after all the trouble she's lead him through..... If you give me a piece of your heart I promise I won’t let you down I feel so cold with out your love living in this ghost of a home…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

Lovin' that piano ole' buddy

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally let Desirea go.......but he's heartbroken after all the trouble she's lead him through..... If you give me a piece of your heart I promise I won’t let you down I feel so cold with out your love living in this ghost of a home…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

Like good donuts and coffee, I gotta have more.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has finally let Desirea go.......but he's heartbroken after all the trouble she's lead him through..... If you give me a piece of your heart I promise I won’t let you down I feel so cold with out your love living in this ghost of a home…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

your such a good songwriter.

thetworegs's avatar
Here is my contribution to the Cherry Pie project of Greg's ....I had started it with the intention of a collaboration with Geas ...but i went down the pub tonight and watched a gig down there and came back a bit over i haven't had…
Guest said

8 yrs and I never heard this. Never knew you did Cherry Pie. So cool....

thetworegs's avatar
Here is my contribution to the Cherry Pie project of Greg's ....I had started it with the intention of a collaboration with Geas ...but i went down the pub tonight and watched a gig down there and came back a bit over i haven't had…
Guest said

You a bad man.

thetworegs's avatar
Its been a while since I jammed with Norm so i've used his mile of sorrow and turned it into a Christmas song........Merry Christmas Norm ..... Christmas it is here Christmas everywhere On a moonlight drive with the midnight sun The…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yeah! merry merry merry Christmas :)

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Sounds pretty good to me , Merry Christmas

thetworegs's avatar
Its been a while since I jammed with Norm so i've used his mile of sorrow and turned it into a Christmas song........Merry Christmas Norm ..... Christmas it is here Christmas everywhere On a moonlight drive with the midnight sun The…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Merry merry Christmas to you and Norm!

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

It was Stairways

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

Sticking with Stairway. And this is still stuck in my head.

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

Or even Hotel Cali... you are so evil.

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
R. J. Garn's avatar
R. J. Garn said

I can hear what song it is in my head but can't put a name too it..

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

The progression in the verses is dangerously close to Stairway, but without the augmented transition. You are an evil soul for such a puzzle, but the song itself is haunting and I really like.

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Guest said

sounds a little like the golden brown sequence, but i can't put my finger on it.

thetworegs's avatar
Its been a while since I jammed with Norm so i've used his mile of sorrow and turned it into a Christmas song........Merry Christmas Norm ..... Christmas it is here Christmas everywhere On a moonlight drive with the midnight sun The…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Your the greatest Reg! Many thanks and Merry Christmas! 12 years to the day that I uploaded that one...

thetworegs's avatar
The wife was on a work call and I got bored so I ventured down to the cellar and a couple of hours passed and this is what came out ....Thanks for listening You need a dream cause your barely living Now open your eyes and go try make it…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

some real good lyrics man. you storyteller you. Much love.

thetworegs's avatar
Testing a new bit of kit, well new to me an ART Preamp with a mic straight into Focusrite with a lot of doodling seems to work well
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

You do doodle well. Is that the Scarlett box?
