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Looking back on 2013

by thetworegs


The Magic Gift Rpm Track 11

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Well the new women in Regs life became the keeper and his wife and they lived happily ever after…well up to now anyway…Reg can never seem to keep the pessimistic thoughts totally at bay but he was trying…He felt reborn on the birth of his son……and he hasn’t had a drop to drink since …heres hoping it stays that way…
The Magic Gift (Lyrics)
A magic gift was on it’s way
A magic gift is on it’s way
It was four in the afternoon the snow had just started to come
the car wouldn’t start the battery was flat and i started to run around in a panic
A magic gift was about to come
but luckily next door gave us a jump start and we were on our way
and i got lost in town going the wrong way down the one way
A magic gift was on it’s way
finally we made it to the door and reception showed us through
we sat there for a while till they showed us to the room
when they closed the door, when they closed the door it all got real

i looked out the window and we watched the snow fall
the minutes ticked away and the day was soon gone
A magic gift was about to come
we talked and laughed a lot until the labour finally come on
i ringed my hands with worry i just wanted it to all be done
i ringed my hands with my thoughts
how could this be
how could all this good come to me
with all the things in my life that had always gone wrong
i suddenly realized i was going to rejoice and sing a happy song in my life,
in my life
A magic is coming to me
then you let a scream out it wasn’t gonna be long
you gripped my hand tight and he was born
i cried, i felt so proud
i cried, i felt so proud
i was reborn, with my son
i felt reborn, with my son
i felt reborn, with my son
i felt reborn

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Hey Reg, major accomplishment this year with this epic concept album! Thanks for sharing your music.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I heard this earlier as part of the album. This is a magical track.

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

Great song, well done.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

Bravo Friend! a beautiful story, a wonderful song... i still remember the day 24 years ago, when i brought my wife and son, home from the hospital,(i had been there of course) but as much as i didn't expect it,, i remember crying in happiness,,,as we stopped in the driveway and i held him, it can be a bit overwhelming,, good luck on sleep,,, nice work here richard

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Honest song, tastefully done.
