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Stranger in my own home town (Elvis Cover)

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Over the weekend Reg had gone back to his home town where he come from and met up with a few of his friends from whey back when. He found that he seemed like stranger. He was sitting telling Elvis about his weekend. Elvis felt sorry for Reg because he knew what it felt like to outgrow the people you grow up with. So Elvis got out his old tapes of TCB band and racked this one up,to cheer Reg up…needless to say it worked……………….

lgh's avatar
lgh said

Elvis IS alive and living in .... Super cover! LG

Orphans's avatar
Orphans said


Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

swanky cool bro...this keeps me from getting down...while i'm gettin down

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Wonderful, utterly wonderful. And I didn't believe it when I heard that Elvis was your basement

Guest said

Pro recording, nice work!

Guest said

Hello, Elvis has entered the building! This is great Reg! Oh, harp too! Nice one! This is very cheery, while I am waiting for the dreaded VAT bill!

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Wow, this sounds like music. Great music. A cover ... ok, but still - great performance! Love it.

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Hurrah! Vegas Elvis lives!

igor's avatar
igor said

~to cheer him up to roll-roll-roll. Down~

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...Cool, smile-inspirin' vibes here! Thanks for listening, friend.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Fantastic vocal......I am amazed by the range of your voice are so frigging good......soul man......sounds like quite the heavy weekend you had.
