Vegetable Man's listening history

mobody's avatar
Instrumental, electronic 2-step
Dave Berry's avatar
We call this Beat-box ghosts (the prog-fu mix). A fun collab between Osckilo and myself. Osckilo had this song he did called Ghosts, all done beat-box. I had to ask him what beat-box meant, I had no idea. I took his original track (just his…
DanielB 's avatar
Just listen to those screamin' synths!
uglifruit's avatar
A silly song questioning the value of using songs to get a message across. Just say 'sorry' - don't write me an opera about it. Incidentally the note choices in this song really did hurt me. New lies Written like you cared for me A…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
It was a rainy Sunday, so I decided to record a cover of one of my favorite songs from RPM2010 - Party by Gumbo.
Al's left hand's avatar
New version of my cover of A Beautiful Scene's You're So Comfortable and I'm Not. Now with lots more instruments. Some parts are still kinda rough but I think I'm done with it.
Gary Fox's avatar
Matter Of Fate- This song started as a riff I was doing while tuning my guitar. It sounded cool, so I happened to record it on a small dictation recorder I have so I wouldn’t forget it. When I listened to the riff it just screamed Sticky Fingers…
kavin.'s avatar
Yeah, that Doors song.
Endicott Road's avatar
Another angry song. My boss once handed me a spreadsheet about cost prices from vendors and said "I don't like the way this looks". I wondered if the upper management looked at salary costs the same way, and that led to this song.
Endicott Road's avatar
One night I was seated in a lounge chair in my back yard when the thought ocurred to me. This is nice, but is this all there is? Is this the reason I work? Is this the reason I pay bills and worry about the future and make sure my kids do their…