urgentwarningsfromspace's listening history

-t.'s avatar
the one thing i can say about love is...
-t.'s avatar
-t.'s avatar
recorded during a legendary Distructo session, features one half of PassKontrol (to be heard here on Alonetone).
Sudara's avatar
Written for Oberlin production of "Closer" - metal samples from the oberlin scene shop and produced by Alec Longstreth banging on everything he can find. You can also check out [Driving in Rain](http://alonetone.com/sudara/tracks/39/) which uses…
glu's avatar
Happy Sunday Alonetoner's. I wrote this song yesterday as I had some recent events to ponder.... I hope you like it. Trying for a bit of a bluesy feel. If you'd like to download it and add some background blues bass or guitar, or harmonies…
misfit wine's avatar
You know when you're creating something and it comes out exactly how you wanted it, and then it becomes you favorite? This one is still my favorite and has not been dethroned yet. The song is all by me - words, vocals, bass, the "guitar…
mmi's avatar
This has been something that has been struggling to get out for a while. I finally feel comfortable enough playing it to have pressed record... Boring technical details: DADGAD tuning two improvised tracks, GT-10 Studio Acoustic Guitar preset…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
This started as a 3 or 4 minute long piece, written after falling completely in love with Robin Trowers' 'Bridge of Sighs' LP, and the track "Too Rolling Stoned" in particular. By the time I brought it to the table for This Caustic Autumn to arrange…
Mud Octave's avatar
urgentwarningsfromspace's avatar
short and nasty for you