Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
In response to a suggestion of Dr. Ozan Yarman I tried a tuning he created for a different project. I realized the composition using Garritan Personal Orchestra Baroque organs, Garritan World sample set Oud and Santoor samples performed on an…
Lena & Irina Panfilova's avatar
Lena & Irina Panfilova said

is so unusual to hear an instrument like this today,very interesting!And thank you for your comment :-)Lena & Irina

vaisvil's avatar
In response to a suggestion of Dr. Ozan Yarman I tried a tuning he created for a different project. I realized the composition using Garritan Personal Orchestra Baroque organs, Garritan World sample set Oud and Santoor samples performed on an…
Brian Bazeley's avatar
Brian Bazeley said

Nice build up. Would make a good intro for a spy/thriller film.

vaisvil's avatar
This is the instrumental version of A Cast of Billions. I have a hard time judging my own voice (thus a true singer I am not) and it seems this vocal was rougher than most of mine. So, lets try over again with this mix. Music in 17 equal I…
Guest said

Kirk's comment +1!

vaisvil's avatar
Commemorating the epic struggle taking place in Wisconsin (USA) an improvised piece for orchestral, Indian, Chinese, and African percussion plus 3 synthesizers in harmonic series tuning. (A straight harmonic series from C1 and on up). Performed…
Guest said

Great build - another amazingly bold track. Some great flavours here. Never know what to expect from you!

vaisvil's avatar
I hope you can see the above picture - I scored a 15 chord autoharp zither for $42 on ebay. 4 old guitar strings later (I save them... just in case :-) and a tuning against an organ patch she is working nicely again. Can't wait to show Emily…
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

I love that sound!, are mircotonal tunings possible for zithers or would that be a bit too dissonant? :) on a different aside I think these lyrics could develop into a multiple instrument performance

vaisvil's avatar
I hope you can see the above picture - I scored a 15 chord autoharp zither for $42 on ebay. 4 old guitar strings later (I save them... just in case :-) and a tuning against an organ patch she is working nicely again. Can't wait to show Emily…
Guest said

I love that sound. Very nice track altogether. I have a chord zither, can't play it, Been looking for someone in Cornwall to teach me for 15 years.

vaisvil's avatar
I hope you can see the above picture - I scored a 15 chord autoharp zither for $42 on ebay. 4 old guitar strings later (I save them... just in case :-) and a tuning against an organ patch she is working nicely again. Can't wait to show Emily…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

wow what a score! it sounds great

vaisvil's avatar
I hope you can see the above picture - I scored a 15 chord autoharp zither for $42 on ebay. 4 old guitar strings later (I save them... just in case :-) and a tuning against an organ patch she is working nicely again. Can't wait to show Emily…
Guest said

Nice sound to the zither- $42 on Ebay is a great deal.

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece written for a small ensemble of Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, French Horn and Percussion in harmonic series tuning using a section from harmonic 12 to 30 reduced to an octave tuning of 15 steps. This piece is…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

You know, that photo really says it all. Good grief! Nice work here, Chris!

vaisvil's avatar
I hope you can see the above picture - I scored a 15 chord autoharp zither for $42 on ebay. 4 old guitar strings later (I save them... just in case :-) and a tuning against an organ patch she is working nicely again. Can't wait to show Emily…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

You can't make the noise if you don't have the toys! Nice find... gotta love ebay for instruments!

vaisvil's avatar
This Prelude in 18ET comes from a challenge on the microtonal tuning list to write something in the whole tone scale that didn’t sound like Debussy or Satie. This prelude has decidedly Debussian whole tone passages. All 3 whole tone scales…
Guest said

Seems so short! Very stirring!

vaisvil's avatar
I think I bit off more than I could actually chew this time and I apologize to Norm and Reg about that. This is a setting of verses from Contemporary English Bible Version of Daniel Chapter 6. I don’t think I orchestrated as much drama from…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

i missed this when you put it up. you have done a great job off cutting mixing it.

vaisvil's avatar
I think I bit off more than I could actually chew this time and I apologize to Norm and Reg about that. This is a setting of verses from Contemporary English Bible Version of Daniel Chapter 6. I don’t think I orchestrated as much drama from…
Guest said

Woah, epic!!! GREAT vocal work and super stirring music!!!!

vaisvil's avatar
In response to a suggestion of Dr. Ozan Yarman I tried a tuning he created for a different project. I realized the composition using Garritan Personal Orchestra Baroque organs, Garritan World sample set Oud and Santoor samples performed on an…
Norm's avatar
Norm said


vaisvil's avatar
In response to a suggestion of Dr. Ozan Yarman I tried a tuning he created for a different project. I realized the composition using Garritan Personal Orchestra Baroque organs, Garritan World sample set Oud and Santoor samples performed on an…
igor's avatar
igor said


vaisvil's avatar
In response to a suggestion of Dr. Ozan Yarman I tried a tuning he created for a different project. I realized the composition using Garritan Personal Orchestra Baroque organs, Garritan World sample set Oud and Santoor samples performed on an…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

What an excellent sound brilliant

vaisvil's avatar
In response to a suggestion of Dr. Ozan Yarman I tried a tuning he created for a different project. I realized the composition using Garritan Personal Orchestra Baroque organs, Garritan World sample set Oud and Santoor samples performed on an…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

powerful stuff

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece written for a small ensemble of Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, French Horn and Percussion in harmonic series tuning using a section from harmonic 12 to 30 reduced to an octave tuning of 15 steps. This piece is…
Guest said

I love the way it begins with the strings and the other instruments are worked in later. A very sombre piece indeed.

vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece written for a small ensemble of Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, French Horn and Percussion in harmonic series tuning using a section from harmonic 12 to 30 reduced to an octave tuning of 15 steps. This piece is…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph…. Thomas Paine.

vaisvil's avatar
Commemorating the epic struggle taking place in Wisconsin (USA) an improvised piece for orchestral, Indian, Chinese, and African percussion plus 3 synthesizers in harmonic series tuning. (A straight harmonic series from C1 and on up). Performed…
Guest said

Wisconsin minimal opera:) cool piece.
