Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
For a friend who touched my heart Emotion - 1975 Delicatly, softly, Not knowing where she wants to be Confusing, disillusioning, Not knowing who she wants to be Pulled from side to side And inside about to die She screams, I can't take it…
Guest said

Sound advice! I hope she found happiness, and in a world with not a lot of it, I hope she was lucky. I wonder why "Fuzzy wuzzy" Nice one Chris! Bethan

vaisvil's avatar
For a friend who touched my heart Emotion - 1975 Delicatly, softly, Not knowing where she wants to be Confusing, disillusioning, Not knowing who she wants to be Pulled from side to side And inside about to die She screams, I can't take it…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

it is a vintage 1975 cassette recording with bad equipment - please listen to the spirit, not the reality.

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

Like fresh,spring water! Chris this piece is absolutely gorgeous! I would buy it! Bee

vaisvil's avatar
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

trancing song. are there birds? so many birds out here with the windows open, hard to say. Yes, definitely a sense of bird song in the track too. :) love it Chris

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin Pink Floyd with vocal and piano in 12 of 19 equal tuning no less.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Certainly not murdered .....

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin Pink Floyd with vocal and piano in 12 of 19 equal tuning no less.
the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s avatar

and certainly in no way ruined. Fav'd

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin Pink Floyd with vocal and piano in 12 of 19 equal tuning no less.
the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s avatar

I love this and I don't know why.

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin Pink Floyd with vocal and piano in 12 of 19 equal tuning no less.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Stuck it in the "Surrogate Band" playlist!

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin Pink Floyd with vocal and piano in 12 of 19 equal tuning no less.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

This classic has been done to death and most versions (including my own) are parody..but this one has an interesting take.

vaisvil's avatar
I ruin Pink Floyd with vocal and piano in 12 of 19 equal tuning no less.
Guest said

Not being a Pink Floyd fan this is new to me as well. Such a good song. Nicely done! Thanks for last night! :) Bee

vaisvil's avatar
As the people here grow colder I turn to my computer And spend my evenings with it Like a friend. I was loading a new programme I had ordered from a magazine: "Are you lonely, are you lost? This voice console is a must." I press Execute. "Hello…
Guest said

I really like this song. Never heard it before. Lovely stuff Chris! Bee

vaisvil's avatar
But maybe I should have been... 12 string n vocal improvisation
Guest said

Echoes of "Let's Get Together" Improv? Sounds great to me. Bee

vaisvil's avatar
But maybe I should have been... 12 string n vocal improvisation
Norm's avatar
Norm said


vaisvil's avatar
Kinda rough - but guess that keeps it real...
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Sounds great acoustic....

vaisvil's avatar
the "score" the instrument about
Guest said

A sort of a sitar/bagpipe duet. I looked it up, what a strange instrument but this composition is perfect for it. You do astound me Chris! Bee

vaisvil's avatar
details, pretty picture and all that...
Guest said

Chris, this piece is astoundingly good, it has been perfectly entitled! Plays havoc with the imagination. Wonderful stuff! Waiting to hear how you end it ... ah, the eerie fade out! Bee

vaisvil's avatar
Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

we all do

vaisvil's avatar
guitar vocal drum
Jeff Duke's avatar
Jeff Duke said

Really cool! Your range of musical expression is amazing!

vaisvil's avatar
there was this band I was in a long time ago.... when I was in high school. We sound like speed rockers!! :-) Moe - drums Frank - bass Chris - guitar Tales of Yesteryear My Lady Cover of Paranoid by Sabbath
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

That is a Speedy version of paranoid ....great job on all three....more ...more

vaisvil's avatar
there was this band I was in a long time ago.... when I was in high school. We sound like speed rockers!! :-) Moe - drums Frank - bass Chris - guitar Tales of Yesteryear My Lady Cover of Paranoid by Sabbath
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Ooh yeah my lady......
