Down Tempo
by vaisvil
- 00. A Dream Within a Dream 3:44
- 00. St Monica Dreams of Becoming Barbra Eden 4:11
- 01. Tumbling the Tumbao (w/ Norm) 3:48
- 02. Swan Song (Original Release) 6:48
- 03. And She Became a Tree 2:18
- 04. Not Good Enough 4 T61 4:41
- 05. She's Waiting (w/ Norm Harris) 4:07
- 06. Itchy for Sax 2:46
- 07. Fat Bebe Micro (19ET) 3:15
- 08. Rumba Sliced needs reefwalker 2:42
- 09. W/ Norm => (out of the closet) and Off With Her Head 3:53
- 10. Steel Gray Mourning w/ Alister Flint Take2 3:28
- 11. The End of the Day 1:49
- 12. Lost Friendship (WIP) 2:53
- 13. Warts and All 2:19
- 14. Bitter Dregs (w/ Norm) 2:34
- 15. On a Raft in a River of Time 4:05
- 16. Goodnight Blues 2:47
- 17. I'm a Deer! 2:16
- 18. The Wind Sprang Up 4:07
- 19. Mysterious Cat 4:01
- 20. (a reading of) Annabel Lee remaster 3:20
- 21. 17 Noodles 5:00
- 22. Rumble to Market 6:03
- 23. Fretless Moonlighting 5:38
- 24. Beauty of Embers 3:39
- 25. Paradise with Pain (Norm, tworegs) 3:19
- 26. Only in Disneyland 2:55
- 27. Some Time Alone 7:23
- 28. A Person is Like a Clock (w/ Norm) 3:54
- 29. growth through compromise 4:37
- 30. Nylon 6,6 3:07
- 31. you gave me more 3:57
- 32. 2 loop 6:18
- 33. Japanese Ghost House Boat 9:02
- 34. But I Only Know Two Chords 8:13
- 35. I Don't Rate a Real Person 4:06
- 36. 17 Pink Tuxedos 9:54
- 37. Hammer Dulcimer 4:39
- 38. Scotch on the Rocks 3:26
- 39. contest in a minor + chords 0:58
- 40. A Helpless Peach 4:32
- 41. Riding the L 3:36
- 42. I'll Do What I Have To 3:33
- 43. 23 Chilled 3:22
- 44. Roadie Demo 2:20
- 45. Caroling on the Darkest Night 3:54
- 46. Lightness 2:03
- 47. 8 string baritone Taylor naked. 4:29
- 48. Surtsey Island 5:16
- 49. Alien Air 2:56
- 50. The Colors of a Lonely Street 8:04
- 51. Stealing Pumpkins w/ Norm (2011) 3:22
- 52. Francesca Grooves for St. Francis 4:24
- 53. A Glass of Wine 2:43
- 54. Before I go 2:20
- 55. Five Wrens 2:00
- 56. Rustic 3:06
I'll Do What I Have To
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Playing my wife’s seagull and my yech singing
Improvised music, lyrics, vocals.
Raw blues - love this kind of thing. Am now going to analyse the crap out of your improvised lyrics! :D