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Playlist cover

Down Tempo

by vaisvil


Warts and All

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Just an improvisation and some field recordings. Nothing much. There a lot of mistakes. You can tell I didn’t use autotune….

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Mistakes or not this is pretty cool Chris.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Glad you liked Holy Wind. Had to work on my bass for a few days...things had gone awry.

Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

indeed, you don't need autotune at all ;)

Guest said

very poignant - could/should be in a film

Guest said

Ahh, very tenderly sung and played. Why would you need autotune anyway?

Guest said

Woah, improvisation!? Awesome!!!

Guest said

I don't use autotune either, though collaborators have been known to serlap some on me. Very rude. :-) This is very pretty...and I can't see where you'd need tuning. Lovely, intimate vocal.
