Jeff Sampson's listening history

emperor75's avatar
Finally, after several years of having lyrics for a song about and for my daughter, I am starting to write it… this is the first draft. singing over most of this at some point. Music & Lyrics by Ed Price Copyright 2021 Compass Since…
spacebox's avatar
Moving forward into and with something new can be scary, but on the other side, change is good.
Ed Craig's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
Here Another for this years RPM 2022 Walking in the park I was walking in the park just the other day And along walked this pretty babe Her hair so long it reached her bum I just had to talk to her I said hello and then a little bit more…
Staplegun's avatar
Our protagonist laments over their child's death and not getting any answers. They then meet a man who knew where the child was, but it will come at a high cost. In desperation, our protagonist accepts the deal and crosses over to meet his child…
slkrell's avatar
Well I am finally learning how to use Logic Pro 10 its a challenge but its got mojo if your willing to sweat the song is for my friend who is at an impasse with his loved one HE has the grit to admit that some things just run…
Cave Street's avatar
Some days I'm the preacher with my head up in a cloud Some days I'm a gentleman who does my mama proud But some days I'm the creature who just arrived from Mars And some days I'm the futurist who drives electric cars Some days I'm the…
noedone's avatar
4barrelcarb (4BC)'s avatar
1995 originally played on 12 string guitar. this was done on a very old 6 string guitar.
trawnajim's avatar
Two dings on a small bell for a bicycle, stretched then slowed in tempo. Submitted to Sound-In for 10-17/2/2022.