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Stride Blues 1a

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Okay so here it is, this is the blues piano piece I’ve been learning since forever. Tonight is the first time I’ve been able to play it through, twice, without making some kind of mistake.

That said I had to slow to 80bpm which is too slow I think for this kind of piece. Also, because I am nervous about making a mistake, I think it sounds rather stilted compared to how I play when I am more relaxed and flowing. But it’s coming along.

Last week my piano teacher said he had realised, too late, that this piece was too difficult for me. Since I’d gotten so far into it he thought it was better to soldier on than to quit. I’m glad because, as challenging as this has been to learn (and boy has it been challenging), I feel like I’ve achieved something in conquering it.

Played using the Imperfect Samples Braunschweig upright with a little bit of Eos reverb.

djilt's avatar
djilt said

evokes the essence of a hazy memory very well

Guest said

Pretty Cool!

Guest said

Woot! I am in a long (but spray on) dress, reclining seductively atop the piano. I have forgotten the lyrics, but it matters not because I have the BEST shoes, and your playing is fabulous! Kudos! And "More!"

Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Very nice, sir! Worth the hard work.

yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

Dig this! Keep on posting these, because this is inspiring. Maybe I'm nuts, but it almost makes me think that maybe those of us on alonetone who are trying to improve on the piano could form a group for mutual encouragement purposes, and post what we're practicing.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great jo mate excellent

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Anybody that feels that "it's too late" to learn an instrument only needs to look (and listen) here. You should be proud.
